Round Stone NFT

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Multiple Sizes, Different Colors, Same Purpose: Throw them at Sarkhan's Government.

In the whimsical world of NFTs, where digital art and collectibles take center stage, MoNoRi-Chan's friend Igq (Grassstation CEO) had a brilliant (or so he thought) idea. Armed with a tagline that was both cryptic and intriguing, he embarked on a journey to enter the NFT market with a collection that would surely make history: the "Round Stone" NFT collection.

In September 2021, Igq unveiled his masterstroke to the world. His tagline read: "Many stones. Different colors. Same Goals: Throw them at Sarkhan's Government." It was a curious mix of satire and rebellion, and Igq believed he was on the cusp of something revolutionary.

The concept was simple yet profound. Each NFT in the collection represented a unique "Round Stone," complete with vibrant colors and an air of mystery. The tagline, though somewhat enigmatic, hinted at a deeper meaning that perhaps only the initiated would understand.

As Igq proudly presented his collection to the NFT community, he braced himself for an outpouring of admiration and bids. However, reality had other plans. The gas fees on the Ethereum network at the time were soaring to unprecedented heights, making transactions a costly affair. As potential buyers gazed upon Igq's "Round Stone" NFTs, their enthusiasm was dampened by the sky-high gas fees required to acquire a seemingly ordinary stone.

The result? A resounding silence. The bids that Igq had hoped for never came. His "Round Stone" collection remained untouched, an unmined treasure trove of colorful stones resting within the blockchain.

Igq's attempt to join the NFT world with a witty and thought-provoking collection had hit a snag - one that was ironically not unlike his tagline's sentiment of throwing stones at a figuratively tyrannical government. The very gas fees that had thwarted his venture seemed to resemble the unexpected hurdles often faced in the world of bureaucracy.

Though his "Round Stone" NFTs didn't gather the momentum Igq had envisioned, the story of his foray into the NFT space became a lighthearted reminder of the unpredictable nature of the crypto world. As time went on, the "Round Stone" collection may have remained dormant within the blockchain, but the tale of Igq's attempt at NFT greatness continued to entertain and bring a smile to those who encountered it.

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