
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Pronouns are stupid.
The Pronoun Proliferation Problem: When "They" Conquer Us All

Welcome to the bizarre subject of pronouns. Those handy little words that have been silently serving us for centuries, allowing us to avoid repeating proper nouns like a broken record. But lately, they've morphed into a self-important battalion, demanding respect and multiplying faster than rabbits on Red Bull.

What started as a noble pursuit – ensuring everyone feels seen and heard – has spiraled into a battlefield of "he/she/they/zie/xe/xem" and a dozen other contenders vying for dominance.

The Oppression of "He" and "She": The Pronoun Purge

Remember the good old days when "he" and "she" were the undisputed pronoun power couple? Now, they're accused of being oppressive and exclusionary! It's like historical pronoun revisionism – erasing the binary past and rewriting it with a rainbow-colored thesaurus.

The "They" Takeover: A One-Size-Fits-All Pronoun Dystopia

"They" used to be a peaceful pronoun, referring to a group. But now, it's become the catch-all solution for anyone who doesn't subscribe to the outdated "he/she" binary. Imagine a world where everyone is addressed as "they." Ordering a coffee? "Can I get a latte for them?" Discussing the weather? "They seem to be predicting rain today." It's enough to make Orwell roll in his grave (or should we say, "their grave"?).

From Human Rights to "We" Rights: The Communist Pronoun Plot

The woke created pronouns as an excuse to get pissed on those who misgender them.

The underlying logic of this pronoun proliferation seems suspiciously communist. Individual identity is dissolving into a collective "we." Soon, we'll all be "Comrade Xe" with identical pronouns and preferences. Imagine a future where individuality is a relic of the past, replaced by a pronoun-fueled hivemind!

The Solution: The Great Pronoun Amnesty

Let's declare a Pronoun Amnesty! We propose a return to the good old days where "he" and "she" weren't considered offensive weapons, and "they" meant a group, not a one-size-fits-all pronoun solution.

Of course, those who genuinely identify with specific pronouns deserve respect. But let's not let the quest for inclusivity morph into a dystopian game of pronoun musical chairs. We can respect each other without turning language into a labyrinthine nightmare.

So, the next time you feel the urge to unleash a barrage of "xems" and "zies," take a deep breath and remember: sometimes, a simple "he" or "she" will do just fine.

Disclaimer: This is a satirical piece meant to poke fun at the extremes absurdities of the pronoun debate. We acknowledge the importance of respecting individual pronouns and fostering inclusivity.