
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

I don't want kids, responsibilities or anything, just being an internet kittyboy that meow meows and gets money by doing nothing but holding onto my investments :3

MoNoRi-Chan: The Coding Mercenary of the Financial Matrix

Let's dissect MoNoRi-Chan's motives in his relentless pursuit of FIRE, his ambivalence towards traditional narratives, and his unique path as a financial anti-hero.

Breaking the Mold: Hero, Villain, or Something Else?

MoNoRi-Chan doesn't fit neatly into the boxes society offers. He's no altruistic hero, saving the masses from financial ruin. Nor is he a classic, money-grubbing villain, exploiting others for his own gain. He exists in a grey zone, a coding mercenary operating within the cold logic of the financial matrix.

The FIRE Goal: A Means, Not the End

His mission to retire by 35 seems audacious, even delusional. But is the goal of FIRE itself his endgame? Or is it a means to an end, a quest to break free from the prescribed track – an act of rebellion against the "stable job, family, retirement" script.

Motives Beyond Money: Legacy of Knowledge

MoNoRi-Chan understands the destructive force of the deposit-trade-liquidate loop. His desire to help new traders isn't out of pure generosity; it stems from a deeper dissatisfaction with the flaws in the system. His true goal is to create a new generation of financially savvy individuals, armed with the knowledge tools to rewrite the rules of the game.

The Capital Markets Paradox

MoNoRi-Chan sees the contradiction at the heart of the markets: they're designed to "take money out," yet the siren song of easy riches lures the masses into pouring their savings in. He's not just a trader; he's a truth-teller, reminding everyone of the system's inherent nature.

Sci-FiN Vision: A Neurodivergent Edge

His Sci-FiN approach, blending scientific analysis with financial intuition, reflects his neurodivergence. The markets are a chaotic tapestry to most, but he perceives patterns unseen by others. His 13 years of experience have become a psychic radar, attuned to the hidden signals within the noise.

The FutureSoft Educator: A Platform for Enlightenment

His vision for an educational platform, where traders get an "Ichimoku" style single-glance overview of their financial health, is more than a software project. It's a tool for liberation, to break down complex concepts and make financial awareness accessible to all.

The Coding Mercenary's Legacy

MoNoRi-Chan isn't here to save the world, nor to become a financial overlord. He's a glitch in the matrix, a force of disruption. His legacy won't be measured in dollars, but in the minds he awakens, the traders he helps break free from the loop, and the tools he leaves behind for others to continue the fight for financial sovereignty.

Further Reading