
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Here are some key lessons we can learn from MoNoRi-Chan's journey of leverage and his 13-year continuous experiments:

The Power of Skill Development:
  • Coding Expertise as a Tool: MoNoRi-Chan invested in building a valuable skill – coding – that gave him leverage in the job market. His coding skills open up opportunities for freelance work or higher-paying positions.
  • Continuous Learning is Essential: MoNoRi-Chan needs to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends to remain competitive and maximize his earning potential.

Leveraging Income:

  • Understanding Compound Interest: By consistently investing in his brokerage account, MoNoRi-Chan benefits from compound interest, accelerating his wealth accumulation.
  • Amplifying Returns with Leverage: While investing with leverage can supercharge returns, it also increases risk. This shows MoNoRi-Chan has a certain risk tolerance and likely a long investment horizon.
Long-Term Perspective:
  • Consistency is Key: MoNoRi-Chan's 13-year journey demonstrates the value of a disciplined approach and the importance of delaying gratification.
  • Growth Takes Time: Wealth building with investments is a marathon, not a sprint. MoNoRi-Chan likely understands that market fluctuations are inevitable, and stays focused on the long game.
Diversification of Income and Assets:
  • Multiple Income Streams: MoNoRi-Chan doesn't rely on a single income source; coding jobs provide income while his investments grow. This reduces risk and offers financial stability.
  • Asset Allocation: MoNoRi-Chan's investment portfolio likely prioritizes high-risk, high-reward assets like cryptocurrency and NFTs. This aligns with his willingness to embrace innovation and his distrust in traditional fiat currencies. He potentially holds some assets in a hardware wallet for safekeeping and easy access, but a well-diversified portfolio across various asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) would likely be recommended by most financial advisors 🫵😂💸. This diversification helps mitigate risk and offers a more balanced approach to wealth building.
Accepting Lower Pay for Increased Potential:
  • Trade-Offs: MoNoRi-Chan understands that taking low-paying jobs now could mean higher potential earnings in the future. He sees the big picture.
  • Leverage over Salary: He prioritizes leveraging his time, skills, and money. The low pay allows him to focus on building his wealth and potentially achieving his FIRE goal faster.

Key Takeaways:

  • Invest in Yourself: Developing high-value skills offers leverage in the job market and opens up income-generating possibilities.
  • Understand the Power of Investing: Consistent investing and a long-term perspective are crucial for building wealth.
  • Prioritize Growth: Think strategically about how to maximize your earning potential and leverage your income for greater returns.

Important Considerations:

  • Risk Management: MoNoRi-Chan needs to actively manage the additional risk when leveraging investments. He should have a solid understanding of risk tolerance and asset allocation, even with a focus on innovation.
  • Emergency Fund: Prior to deploying leverage, a robust emergency fund is essential to protect against unexpected setbacks.Overall, MoNoRi-Chan's experiment demonstrates the power of combining skill development, a long-term investment mindset, and strategic leverage. While his approach might not be for everyone, there are valuable lessons to be learned about maximizing growth potential and achieving financial goals.