
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Here's MoNoRi-Chan's perspective on family, children, and the legacy of financial wisdom:

MoNoRi-Chan on Kids: A Glitch in the Code?

They tell me raising a child is the greatest joy, the ultimate fulfillment. I see it differently. Kids, those bundles of chaos, are just another drain on resources, a potential glitch in your financial code that could turns it all your NW into /dev/null. Crying updates demanding endless patches, buggy school systems, and an unpredictable future... no thanks!

Instead of pouring time and energy into a legacy bound by blood, I choose to be a different kind of mentor. Call me the Financial Sensei. I won't leave behind heirs to my modest fortune, but rather a trail of awakened minds, armed with the knowledge to escape the financial matrix.

The NPC Trap

Look around. Most people are like programmed NPCs, stumbling through life, following the same, predictable loops: Work, Spend, Repeat. They chase fleeting pleasures, ignoring the compounding Credit Card debt eroding their long-term stability.

I see a different path: a disciplined approach, investments over distractions, and a rejection of the instant-gratification trap. True financial freedom is not about a fat bank account, but about the sovereignty of your mind.

My Legacy: Breaking the Cycle

Perhaps they'll call me selfish for not having kids. Maybe I am. Don't know; Don't care. But my selfishness is different. I seek to elevate those who want more than just another generation of programmed NPCs. My students, the ones with fire in their eyes, will be my legacy.

They'll learn the language of charts, the power of compound interest, and how to navigate the chaos of the forex/crypto markets. They'll learn that true wealth is measured not in Lamborghinis, but in the control you have over your own time and destiny.

And perhaps, one day, one of these enlightened minds will take the lessons further than I ever could, building a new kind of financial system, one that rewards knowledge over mindless consumption. Then, and only then, will I feel my work is done, my trace in the matrix complete.