
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
MoNoRi-Chan "The Banker" Chairman

Character Profile: The Banker

Full Name: The Banker (Real Name: Classified)

Occupation: Chairman of THBт Treasury, previously fund manager of Bank of N.I.

Character Inspiration: Jean-Jacques Saurel, the charismatic banker from "The Wolf of Wall Street"


The Banker is an enigmatic figure in the world of finance, operating from the shadows and wielding immense power within the domain of digital currencies. Born into a family with deep-rooted ties to the financial industry, his ascent to prominence was inevitable. He earned his nickname, "The Banker," due to his uncanny ability to navigate the intricate maze of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins.

With experience dating back to 2009, The Banker has a long and storied history in the world of forex trading. He has weathered the storms of market volatility and emerged as a battle-hardened veteran. It was during these formative years that he honed his trading skills and developed a keen sense of strategy that would serve him well in the cryptocurrency landscape.


The Banker is the embodiment of charm and charisma. He exudes confidence in every step, akin to the likes of Jean-Jacques Saurel from "The Wolf of Wall Street." His silver tongue can persuade even the most skeptical investor to part with their assets and embrace the allure of THBт.

Behind his charming façade lies a shrewd and calculating mind. He thrives in the world of high-stakes finance, making daring moves with calculated precision. To him, every financial decision is a strategic chess move, and he plays the game to win.

Role in the Story

As the Chairman of THBт Treasury, The Banker is a central character in MoNoRi-Chan's financial escapades. He represents the bridge between the traditional financial world and the burgeoning realm of digital currencies. MoNoRi-Chan often seeks his counsel when navigating the complexities of the cryptocurrency market.

The Banker's illustrious career in finance extends back to 2009, where he cut his teeth in the world of forex trading. He honed his skills, mastering the art of currency exchange and capitalizing on market volatility. His journey in forex was marked by both soaring profits and devastating losses, experiences that shaped him into the formidable financial figure he is today.

When he crossed paths with MoNoRi-Chan, he saw a kindred spirit in the young trader. Recognizing MoNoRi-Chan's potential, The Banker offered to mentor him on his live accounts journey. He provided MoNoRi-Chan with a double-edged sword – "The Leverage". The Banker is not merely a mentor; he's a mentor with a hidden agenda.

To MoNoRi-Chan, this leverage represented the allure of free money, a tool that could amplify his gains exponentially. Yet, The Banker also knew that leverage was a double-edged sword, capable of digging a trader's grave if not wielded with utmost caution.

Their mentorship was a complex dance of knowledge and manipulation. The Banker shared his insights and tactics, guiding MoNoRi-Chan through the intricate world of forex trading. But with every lesson, he subtly reminded MoNoRi-Chan that leverage could either be a ladder to success or a precipice to financial ruin.

The Sniper's Redemption

By the time he had finished learning from The Banker, MoNoRi-Chan knew that forex trading is a constant learning process. Countless sleepless nights were spent analyzing charts, studying patterns, and refining his approach. He became a master of his craft, learning from his past mistakes and growing stronger with each setback.

One fateful day, after years of perseverance, MoNoRi-Chan stumbled upon a unique trading setup. It was a moment of pure intuition, the culmination of all his years of experience manifesting into a single trade. He called it the "MakesItAllBackInOneTradeArc."

With unwavering confidence, MoNoRi-Chan executed the trade against all odds. The financial world watched in awe as the market responded to his daring bet. In a matter of hours, with just a 200-pip movement, he achieved the unimaginable – he made it all back. The losses, the struggles, and the sleepless nights were vindicated in that single trade.

MoNoRi-Chan had evolved from a novice trader into "The Sniper," a moniker earned through risky bets and an unshakable belief in his abilities. His journey was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unwavering pursuit of mastery in the ever-evolving world of finance.

As "The Sniper," MoNoRi-Chan had cemented his place in the annals of forex trading, a living legend who had overcome the odds and emerged victorious. Yet, in the world of finance, the journey never truly ends, and the next challenge awaits on the horizon...