Minecraft/Chat Message Signing

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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Minecraft 1.19.1: Big Brother is watching the Block Game? A Look at Signed Messages

Hold onto your pickaxes, miners! Minecraft 1.19.1 (or the not-so-catchy 1.19.84 patch) introduced a new feature called "Chat Message Signing" Mojang bills it as a way to improve moderation, but many players are left wondering – is this just another case of Big Brother intruding on our blocky world?

What is Chat Message Signing?

Any Java Edition Clients after Version 1.19.1 by default, will have every message you send in Minecraft will have a special digital signature attached. That's essentially what chat message signing is. Your Microsoft Mining Simulator Account acts like a key, "signing" your messages with a unique code. This allows Mojang to verify the sender and even the context of the message (up to a point).

The "Big Brother" Argument

Here's where things get dicey. With signed messages, anyone can report your in-game chat to Mojang. This might sound good for servers struggling with toxicity, but for players who enjoy a little friendly anarchy (especially on Realms servers!), it feels like an invasion of privacy. A simple yo mama joke could land you in hot water, potentially leading to account suspension.

Realms Woes: Automatic Suspension, Manual Cancellation?

Things get even more frustrating with Realms subscriptions. If your account gets suspended due to a reported message, your Realms subscription won't automatically cancel. You'll have to manually shut it down, potentially losing out on remaining playtime. Not exactly a pickaxe-wielding hero move, Mojang.

The Server Owner's Struggle: Kicked by My Own Code?

Our own server owner, MoNoRi-Chan, experienced the frustration firsthand. Due to a glitch with chat message signing, they were kicked from their own server for sending a signed message! This highlights the potential for bugs and unintended consequences with this new feature.

So, is Chat Message Signing All Bad?

Not necessarily. For servers with stricter moderation needs, it can be a helpful tool. However, for players who value a free and open chat experience, it feels like a step in the wrong direction.

Who Cares About Yo Mama Jokes Anyway? Mods to the Rescue!

Just like resourceful Minecrafters always find a way, there are mods available (like NoChatReports [Server] [Client]) that disable chat message signing. For servers like ours, which prioritize an uncensored chat experience, these mods become essential tools to preserve the anarchy we love.

The Final Pickaxe Swing

Chat message signing is a complex issue. While it might improve moderation for some, it raises concerns about privacy and freedom of expression for others. Ultimately, the decision of whether to embrace or bypass this feature rests with the players and server owners. But one thing's for sure: the debate over chat in Minecraft just got a whole lot more interesting. So, keep swinging those pickaxes, miners, and remember – speak your mind (or don't!), but be aware of the potential consequences in this new era of signed messages.

Incident Report

Incident Report: PaperMC 1.21 Chat Signing and Server Kick

Date: 7/1/2024 Time: 11:54PM

Reported By: MoNoRi-Chan (Server Owner)


This report details an issue encountered with Minecraft version 1.21 and its forcefully-enabled "Cryptographic Message Signing" for chat messages. This feature, intended for moderation purposes, has resulted in players and even the server owner being kicked due to "chat message validation failure"


  • Minecraft 1.19.84 introduces mandatory chat message signing by default for Java Edition clients.
  • This feature allows anyone to report messages to Mojang moderation.
  • Our server, following the Royal Decree, does not support this moderation approach and encourages free speech (excluding defamation).

Incident Details:

  • Players sending signed messages to the server are being kicked due to "chat message validation failure."
  • This issue affects even the server owner, MoNoRi-Chan, preventing them from sending chat messages.


  • Players are being unfairly kicked from the server, hindering gameplay and communication.
  • The server owner's ability to manage the server is hampered.
  • This feature undermines the server's core value of free speech.


  • To ensure continued freedom of speech and prevent player kicks, we highly recommend installing the NoChatReports Fabric mod.
  • This mod disables chat message signing, allowing players to chat freely without being reported to Mojang.

Additional Notes:

  • The irony of the server owner being kicked from their own server due to this feature is not lost on us.
  • We believe client-side modifications like NoChatReports are necessary to maintain the server's core principles in the face of unwanted moderation practices.

Next Steps:

  • Continue monitoring the situation for any further complications.
  • Encourage players to install NoChatReports for a seamless chat experience.
  • Consider exploring server-side solutions to disable chat message signing if available in future updates.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.



Server Owner