
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

The Trezor Hardware Wallet in this article is about MoNoRi-Chan's Trezor with an ENS name: Sandievault.ethwhere he used it as an Enclave for Digital Wealth and Identity.


This research paper delves into the story and significance of MoNoRi-Chan's adoption of the Trezor Hardware Wallet, examining its role as a secure storage solution for digital assets and a symbol of personal identity and aspirations. Through an exploration of MoNoRi-Chan's journey, we uncover the deep connection between the hardware wallet, his digital world, and the intrinsic value he attaches to rare NFTs within it.


The Trezor Hardware Wallet is introduced as a means of safeguarding digital wealth, providing users like MoNoRi-Chan with a secure and reliable self-custody solution for cryptocurrencies and other digital assets. This paper aims to explore the unique relationship MoNoRi-Chan has developed with his Trezor, going beyond its utilitarian purpose.

MoNoRi-Chan's Trezor: From Value Preservation to Digital Identity

MoNoRi-Chan's initial acquisition of the Trezor is discussed, highlighting his conscious decision to secure his life savings and embrace the "diamond hand" discipline of long-term asset holding. This dedication extends beyond mere financial considerations, as MoNoRi-Chan perceives the Trezor as a gateway to his digital world, where he can exist as his catboy persona across borders and dimensions.

The Intriguing Role of NFTs

The research paper examines MoNoRi-Chan's collection of rare NFTs within his Trezor Hardware Wallet, shedding light on their symbolic and intrinsic value. While these digital assets may lack tangible worth in the physical world, they hold immense personal significance for MoNoRi-Chan, shaping his identity and providing a sense of belonging within his chosen digital realm.

Prime vs. D-982: Ownership and Identity

A fascinating aspect explored in this paper is the question of ownership. While the assets stored within the Trezor may technically belong to MoNoRi-Chan (D-982), there is a compelling argument that they may truly belong to his Prime counterpart—an idealized version of himself. This duality reflects MoNoRi-Chan's desire to transcend time and space, creating a borderless existence where his digital identity thrives.


The Trezor Hardware Wallet serves not only as a secure enclave for MoNoRi-Chan's digital wealth but also as a testament to his aspirations and the world he envisions. By embracing the Trezor and cherishing the NFTs within, MoNoRi-Chan constructs a unique digital identity that goes beyond traditional notions of asset ownership, blurring the lines between reality and the digital realm.


The author would like to express gratitude to MoNoRi-Chan for his willingness to share his personal journey and insights into the significance of the Trezor Hardware Wallet. This research would not have been possible without his contribution.
