IRL:Wage Gap

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

The term "Wa Ge" is used to describe the wage gap between high income countries and lower income countries. It refers to the disparity in the average wages earned by workers in different countries, with those in high income countries earning significantly more than those in lower income countries.

In the world of Sarkhan, the concept of a "Borderless Nation of Thoughts to Replace Your Walled in Existence in Space" from the lyrics of Machinae Supremacy is a driving force behind the creation of the Borderless Global Currency, the THBт. The goal of the THBт is to create a single, global currency that can be used in all countries and help bridge the wage gap between high and low income countries.

By promoting financial equality and breaking down the economic borders that separate countries, the creators of the THBт hope to create a world where everyone has equal access to financial opportunities and can live a comfortable life regardless of where they were born or what their background is. With the THBт, the concept of Wa Ge becomes a thing of the past, and a new, more equitable world is born.