
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
8.7 million species on earth and here we are, paying rent

Title: Pay2Live: The Wild Tale of Society and Survival

In a world filled with bustling cities, towering skyscrapers, and the constant hum of traffic, have you ever stopped and wondered why we humans have to work just to pay for the privilege of living on our own planet? It's a question that has puzzled minds for ages, and the answers are as diverse as the societies we live in. Let's embark on a satirical journey to uncover the strange realities of our modern existence.


The Sin of Greed

Ah, civilization! The great invention that simultaneously brought us progress, culture, and the need to work for our existence. Some might argue that it all stems from the sin of greed. Yes, those elusive creatures known as the "greedy rich people" who supposedly control the world and enjoy keeping the poor in their place. But hey, let's not dig too deep into conspiracy theories.

The Wild, Wild (Ownership) West

Imagine a world without laws, where everyone fends for themselves and lives off the land. Sounds idyllic, right? Well, it might be until someone bigger and stronger than you comes along and decides they want your home, your food, or even your life. It's a harsh reality, and history has shown us that survival of the fittest isn't just a catchy phrase; it's a matter of life and death.

Group Dynamics and Survival

To escape the clutches of the bigger, stronger individuals, we humans realized that strength lies in numbers. We formed groups, developed rules, and claimed territories. Towns, cities, and nations emerged, each with its own set of laws and regulations. It turns out that it's hard to survive without obeying the rules of the group you're in. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Work, Work, Work

Why do we have to work to survive? Well, let's think about it. If every resource was given away for free, how long do you think it would take for chaos to ensue? We humans are a resource-hungry species, and without some form of work or contribution, the group simply wouldn't have enough to go around. So, they implemented a rule: work or face the consequences.

Advantages of Society

But let's not be too pessimistic. Society has its perks! Public spaces, schools, hospitals, and even law enforcement all require collaboration and resources to function. By working together, we achieve great things. Imagine trying to build a rocket to Mars all by yourself. It's much easier when you have a team of brilliant minds collaborating on the project.


So, dear reader, we find ourselves in this peculiar world where we work to pay for the right to live, just like every other pack animal out there. Whether it's wolves, lions, or humans, survival within a group comes with its own set of rules and obligations. It's the price we pay (quite literally) for the benefits of civilization, collaboration, and progress.

Remember, this article is purely satirical and meant to provide a humorous perspective on the question at hand. So, while we may continue pondering the mysteries of life, let's not forget to appreciate the beauty and absurdity of the human experience. After all, what's life without a little laughter and contemplation?