
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
พ่อมึงตายกูทำ NFT ให้ฟรี
-MoNoLidThZ - 2021

In Thailand, filial piety is a deeply ingrained cultural value. Respecting and honoring one's parents is paramount, and their memory is cherished long after they're gone. But what if there was a way to keep their spirit alive in the digital age? Enter Lhong Por (Dadbox) ᩉᩃ้ᩋᨦᨸ้ᩋ, a unique NFT collection that immortalizes deceased fathers on the Ethereum blockchain.

More Than Just a Picture:

Dadbox isn't just a JPEG. It's a carefully crafted digital box containing a pixelated portrait of your father, along with details about his life and achievements. It's a tribute, a story, and a way to keep his memory alive for generations to come.

From Photo to Pixel:

To create a Dadbox, simply message MoNoRi-Chan, the project's creator, on Twitter or Telegram with your father's name and photo. MoNoRi-Chan then transforms the photo into a charming pixel art portrait, breathing new life into your dad's image.

A Thoughtful Touch:

Dadbox goes beyond the visual. Each box can be filled with personal details about your father, his hobbies, his favorite things, and even funny anecdotes. This makes each Dadbox unique and special, a true reflection of the man it represents.

Beyond the Blockchain:

While Dadbox is an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain, its purpose transcends the digital realm. It's a conversation starter, a way to share your father's story with younger generations, and a reminder of the values he instilled in you.

A Burning Question:

Dadbox is meant to be a permanent tribute, a digital memorial that lives on the blockchain forever. However, the project acknowledges the complexities of grief and the evolving nature of our relationship with the deceased. The blockchain itself allows owners to "burn" their Dadbox, essentially removing it from the blockchain, if they feel it's no longer serving its purpose.

A Controversial Tagline?

Dadbox's tagline, "พ่อมึงตายกูยินดีทำNFTให้ฟรี" (If your dad died, I mint NFT for you free of charge), is certainly attention-grabbing. While some might find it crass or insensitive, others might appreciate the bluntness and directness. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide how they feel about the tagline and the project itself.

Final Thoughts:

Lhong Por (Dadbox) is a unique and thought-provoking project that blends Thai tradition with digital innovation. It offers a way to honor deceased fathers in a way that resonates with younger generations and provides a platform for sharing their stories and legacies. Whether you see it as a touching tribute or a curious experiment, Dadbox is undoubtedly a conversation starter in the ever-evolving world of NFTs and digital memorials.

It's important to note that while Dadbox claims to have a lower environmental impact than cremation, the energy consumption of the Ethereum blockchain and its gas fees can be a concern.

I hope this article provides a comprehensive overview of Lhong Por (Dadbox). Whether you're interested in the project yourself or simply curious about its concept, I encourage you to visit the OpenSea collection and learn more.