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Hackerman Drinking Game

DoD IT Security Training: The "Hackerman" Drinking Game (Please Don't Actually Drink)

We've all been there – drowning in a sea of mandatory cybersecurity training videos. For those brave souls in the US Department of Defense, especially those supporting the US Navy, Spring brings a tidal wave of IT security training. But fear not, weary warriors of the network, for there's a glimmer of fun (or perhaps, liver failure) on the horizon – The "Hackerman" Drinking Game! Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. Please don't consume alcohol while undergoing official training.

The Players:

This game is best enjoyed with fellow IT warriors who share your cyber-defensive spirit (and a strong tolerance for mediocrity).

The Equipment:

  • Your assigned IT security training videos/modules.
  • A designated beverage (non-alcoholic for responsible participation).

The Rules:

  1. Hacker, Hacked, Hackerman: One sip every time the narrator utters "hack," "hacked," or the ever-popular (and slightly inaccurate) "hackerman."
  2. Stock Photo Shenanigans: Two sips for any generic cybersecurity stock photo. Three sips for the classic "Hoodie Hacker Guy In Dark Room" photo. Bonus sip if he's wearing sunglasses indoors.
  3. Fearmongering Frenzy: One sip for every exaggerated cyberwarfare scenario involving blinking red lights and dramatic music.
  4. Social Engineering Slips: Two sips for any training scenario where a user falls victim to an elementary social engineering attack (e.g., clicking on a suspicious link).
  5. Password Faux Pas: One sip for every mention of "password123" or other laughably weak password examples. Two sips if the solution involves a single uppercase letter and a special character.

Optional Hardcore Rules:

  • Technobabble Trouble: One sip for every instance of jargon that would make even Scotty from Star Trek scratch his head.
  • Snooze-a-Thon: Take a sip whenever you lose focus due to the training's sheer monotony.


This game is for amusement only! The goal is to stay informed and vigilant, not to reenact a scene from a bad hacker movie. So, raise your (non-alcoholic) glasses to a more secure future, one cybersecurity training video at a time (with a healthy dose of humor, of course).

Pro Tip:

  • Use this game as a bonding experience with your colleagues.
  • Discuss the importance of cybersecurity best practices while enjoying the camaraderie.
  • Maybe even brainstorm better training methods to keep everyone engaged (without the drinking game, of course).