Global Citizen

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Zoomers: Redefining Work and Wealth in a Borderless World

Generation Z, or Zoomers, are digital natives who've grown up in a hyper-connected world. They see themselves as global citizens, untethered by geographical boundaries. This mindset is fundamentally reshaping their approach to work, finance, and even the very definition of success.

Beyond the 9-to-5: Passion over Paycheck

Traditional career paths, once seen as the gold standard, are losing their luster for Zoomers. They crave purpose and flexibility, seeking work that aligns with their values and allows them to travel and explore the world. The rise of the remote work culture and the gig economy caters perfectly to this desire for autonomy.

Financial Revolutionaries: Crypto, DeFi, and the End of the Middleman?

Zoomers are financially savvy and tech-adept. Many are familiar with Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a blockchain-based alternative to traditional banking systems. They see DeFi as a way to break free from the perceived limitations and fees of traditional financial institutions. Additionally, cryptocurrencies with their global reach and potential for high returns hold significant appeal for this generation.

Taxation as Usury? Challenging the System

Some Zoomers view traditional taxation as a form of "usury," where governments take a cut of their earnings without offering a direct, tangible benefit. This skepticism towards centralized authority extends to the financial system as a whole. Zoomers are more likely to question the status quo and explore alternative financial structures.

Global Citizen vs. "Student of the World": Beyond the Label

There's a difference between being a global citizen and simply traveling the world. "Students of the World" might hop from country to country, but true global citizenship involves a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures. It's about fostering connections, embracing diversity, and working towards solutions to global challenges. Zoomers, with their access to information and emphasis on social responsibility, are well-positioned to embody this ideal.

The Future of Work and Finance:

The rise of the global citizen mindset has significant implications for the future. Businesses will need to adapt to a more distributed workforce and cater to the desire for purpose-driven work. Financial institutions will face increasing competition from DeFi and other innovative solutions. Governments will need to address the concerns of a generation wary of centralized power and traditional economic systems.

Zoomers are not simply rejecting the status quo; they are actively building a new one. Their global perspective and tech-driven approach are poised to redefine the future of work, finance, and our interconnected world.