Getting Started

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
"Getting Started": The Battle Between Inertia and the Bleeding Edge

"The hardest part of doing something is getting started." Those words echo in my mind like a haunting mantra. It's a truth I've faced time and time again, whether it's tackling a personal coding project or adapting to the latest frontend framework at work.

Remember that time I vowed to finally master React? Or conquer the intricacies of Tailwind CSS? Yet, those lofty goals gathered dust on my digital to-do list, forever postponed for a nebulous "later". Procrastination, disguised as prioritization or perfectionism, was my true nemesis.

But now, here I am at work, staring at a cutting-edge frontend framework my employer has enthusiastically embraced. It's uncharted territory, a cryptic landscape of unfamiliar syntax and a rapidly evolving ecosystem. That familiar sense of dread tinged with excitement creeps in. I've been here before.

The Inner Battle: Resistance vs. Opportunity

A war wages within. One voice whispers of potential, of skill expansion and staying relevant in the ever-shifting tech world. The other voice preaches caution, whispering about wasted hours, frustration, and the risk of looking clueless in front of my colleagues.

The truth is, getting started is almost always the most intimidating step. There's the fear of failure, the weight of the unknown, and the nagging suspicion that everyone else is already light years ahead. This mental tug-of-war is draining, yet it's the crucial moment where paths diverge.

Embracing the Discomfort

Experience has taught me a few hard-won lessons:

  • Baby Steps: Biting off more than you can chew is a recipe for burnout. Start with a small, achievable project, even if it seems insignificant. Building momentum matters more than the scope of the task.
  • Documentation as Friend: The bleeding edge often means less comprehensive documentation. Become adept at navigating official docs, community forums, and those hastily written tutorials that are lifelines in uncharted territories.
  • Fail Fast, Learn Faster: Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. Embrace a tinkering mindset, be ready to break things, and learn more from the errors than the successes.

This new framework? It's a challenge, an opportunity masquerading as an inconvenience. But getting started – tackling that first tutorial, building that first component, hitting that first roadblock – that's where the true growth begins...

Getting Started on this Wiki's Contents

Alright, let's shatter that 4th wall for a moment! You've journeyed a bit with MoNoRi-Chan, seeing his struggles, triumphs, and the occasional absurdity that colors his life. But what brings you to the world of

Perhaps you're drawn to the unconventional narrative, a mix of personal anecdotes, technical breakdowns, and a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor. Maybe you're a fellow crypto enthusiast, seeking insights amidst MoNoRi-Chan's digital escapades of his Jade Temple. Or perhaps, like many, you stumbled upon this site via the "Random Page" feature, a chaotic spin of the gacha wheel of fictional realities and esoteric ramblings.

Whatever brought you here, navigating need not be a random affair. Let me offer some guideposts:

  • The Timeline: If you crave chronology, start here. The Timeline offers an ordered account of MoNoRi-Chan's evolution, from his early days in Chiang Mai, moving to live in Bangkok to his latest LA-based adventures. This provides a backbone for his world, allowing you to piece together the narrative at your own pace.
  • Arcs & Ingress Adventures: Prefer a thematic approach? Explore specific story arcs. These focused collections center around MoNoRi-Chan's escapades, like his crypto trading battles (documented in his "Stacking Sats" arc), his family courier mishaps ("Operation: ไฟลามทุ่ง") or his autism in the augmented reality game Ingress ("Ingress Logs"). In these "Ingress Log" pages, MoNoRi-Chan chronicles his shitposting skills as an Ingress agent, creating and making hidden field art across various locations. You can see a record of his artistic & slightly autistic field placements on a plain map view in the Ingress Logs page. Additionally, his dedication to the game is reflected in his impressive sojourner streak, which you can track within the Timeline section.
  • The Sarkhan Nexus "Sarkhan:Getting Started": Are you curious about this whole Sarkhan Nexus thing? This section dives into this fictional Sarkhan world's lore, its underlying philosophy, and how MoNoRi-Chan connects to the bigger picture. Consider it the primer for those seeking a glimpse into the author's slightly unhinged imagination. And highly neurodivergent perception of this world.

The Beauty of Exploration

Ultimately, the joy of lies in its semi-structured chaos. There's a method to the madness, but also freedom to roam. You can follow a linear path, or bounce between sections at whim.

So, tell me, what are you looking for? What sparked your curiosity? Let's make your journey through the Sarkhan Nexus as fulfilling as possible!