
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Frontiers: A Word with Many Meanings

The word "frontier" evokes images of boundless territories, cutting-edge technology, and even fictional battlegrounds. It's a versatile term with a wide range of applications, as evidenced by the following diverse examples:

  • Frontier Communications: For internet users like MoNoRi-Chan in California, Frontier Communications is their gateway to the digital world. As an internet service provider (ISP), Frontier represents the front lines of connectivity and access in the modern age.
  • Frontier Airlines: This low-cost air carrier embodies the idea of 'frontier' in a more traditional sense. Taking flight represents exploring new horizons, venturing into unknown territory, and expanding one's personal boundaries.
  • Frontier Supercomputer: A marvel of engineering and computational power, the Frontier supercomputer pushes the frontiers of scientific discovery. Used by the US Department of Energy, it embodies the idea of exploration in the realm of knowledge, blazing new trails in cutting-edge research.
  • The Frontier of Titanfall and Apex Legends: Gamers recognize the 'Frontier' as the war-torn setting where the Titanfall universe unfolds. Here, 'frontier' signifies a contested space, a boundary where battles are waged and survival is at stake. Its transformation into the Outlands of Apex Legends hints at the aftermath, a lawless arena where the fight continues.
  • MoNoRi-Chan's Frontier Web Application: In the realm of software development, this Frontier application represents a critical point of access and control. It acts as a secure gateway, managing authentication and authorization processes like a digital frontier guard.

The Power of Context

What differentiates these diverse uses of "frontier" is context. Let's break it down:

  • Physical Frontiers: These can be geographical boundaries (e.g., the "Wild West" of historical America) or limits of human exploration (e.g., space exploration).
  • Technological Frontiers: These symbolize breakthroughs and innovation, pushing the limits of what's possible.
  • Conceptual Frontiers: These can be boundaries of knowledge, social progress, or even fictional realms.

Why "Frontier" Resonates

The word "frontier" holds a certain allure. It implies:

  • Adventure: The potential for discovery and exploration beyond the known.
  • Progress: The pursuit of advancement and the conquering of new grounds.
  • Opportunity: The chance for growth, transformation, and possibility.


From MoNoRi-Chan's ISP to cutting-edge supercomputers and fictional battlegrounds, "frontier" serves as a powerful reminder that boundaries – real or imagined – are meant to be challenged and pushed forward. Whether it's a tangible place, a technological leap, or a conceptual boundary, the frontier represents the ever-expanding horizon of human potential.