Fast 8

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Fast 8: เร็วแรงทะลุนรก สาย 8
Fast 8: Xiang Gong's Revenge 


Dom Toretto and his crew, fresh off their exploits in Iceland, are lured to the bustling streets of Bangkok by a tip from their old friend Han Seoul-Oh. Ar Po, a notorious crime lord with a penchant for Hainanese Chicken Rice, has set up shop in the Lat Phrao district, using his seemingly innocuous restaurant chain as a front for a massive money laundering operation. Dom hatches a daring plan: infiltrate Ar Po's hidden vault, steal his ill-gotten gains, and vanish into the city's labyrinthine streets.

The Twist:

Their escape route? Bangkok's infamous Bus Line 8. Navigating the chaotic Lat Phrao road on this legendary public transit line is a high-stakes game in itself. Each driver, a master of their metal steeds, possesses a unique skill set: Lek, the lightning-fast driver with acrobatic maneuvers; Lung Jin, the Zen master of traffic weaving; and Nong Mai, the demolition derby queen with a knack for shortcuts through back alleys.

Intermission: Xiang Gong Shop


Smoke still drifts off singed wires, Bangkok's night sweats cling to the air. The Bus Line 8 warriors lie scattered around Xiang Gong, a junkyard haven where engines purr their secrets and grease stains tell battle stories. Dom strides through the steel jungle, brows furrowed like tire tracks.

"These buses ain't built for what we did," Letty says, running a hand over a dented panel. "They deserve a spa day, not another adrenaline shot."

Dom grunts, eyes fixed on the flickering neon sign: Xiang Gong. A ghost of a smile touches his lips. "They ain't built for it, but they're the key to tomorrow, sis."

Uncle Choi's Welcome:

A booming laugh and a platter of pork buns fill the air. Uncle Choi, Han's gregarious uncle and Xiang Gong's kingpin, pulls Dom into a bear hug. "Heard you kids were stirring the traffic pot", he winks, eyes twinkling like spark plugs.

Lek, Jin, and Mai, the Bus Line 8 aces, join the circle, swapping tales of the chase with a mix of awe and pride. Khing, Bangkok's street racing star, hangs on their words, eyes wide like headlights.

"These buses," Jin says, tapping his ride, "they're more than metal. They're family."

Dom nods. These buses carried lives, dreams, and the city's heartbeat. They couldn't leave them stranded.

Engine Surgery:

Uncle Choi's grease monkeys swarm the buses. Engines crack open, revealing tales of past battles in scarred pistons. New rings and gaskets breathe life back into the bellies of the beasts. Wires, once tired threads, become vibrant arteries, pumping fresh speed.

Tej works his magic on the brains, tuning them for Dom's crazy plan. Roman, the joker of the pack, helps Lek paint fire on his bus, a defiant roar against the asphalt jungle.

Dawn's Roar:

As the sun paints the sky in Bangkok's signature orange, engines hum with renewed life. Each thrum a promise, a heartbeat echoing with the spirit of the city. Uncle Choi raises a wrench in salute.

"May your tires grip, your engines scream, and your hearts stay true," he booms.

Dom, a smirk hiding behind his beard, returns the salute. "Family."

The courtyard erupts in the roar of engines, a mechanical chorus thundering into the sunrise. Xiang Gong fades into the urban pulse, the crew ready for whatever tomorrow throws their way, fueled by Bangkok's spirit and the bond that keeps them running.

This casual intermission keeps the action and heart, but ditches the formalities for a grittier, more banter-filled vibe. It shows Dom and the crew as they are: gearheads with grease under their nails and family in their hearts, facing impossible odds with a wink and a roar.

The Heist

Dom and his team, including Letty, Tej, Roman, and the newly-recruited Bangkok street racer, Khing, infiltrate Ar Po's restaurant during the Songkran festival. Amidst the colorful water fights, they crack the vault and grab the loot. But Ar Po, alerted by a mole within the crew, unleashes his goons on motorbikes and modified tuk-tuks.

The Chase:

The chase spills onto Lat Phrao, a neon-lit artery pulsating with life and honking horns. Dom and his crew, split across the three buses, must rely on their newfound allies, the Bus Line 8 drivers. Lek weaves through the traffic like a cobra, dodging obstacles with inches to spare. Lung Jin uses his bus as a battering ram, clearing a path for the others. And Nong Mai, with a roar of her Tuk Tuk with customized engine, plows through street markets and alleyways, shaking off their pursuers.

The Climax:

As they approach the Mor Chit BTS station, their escape route, Ar Po himself joins the chase in his souped-up armored limousine. A breathtaking bus ballet ensues, culminating in a showdown on the elevated tracks of the Skytrain. Dom, at the wheel of the lead bus, must outmaneuver Ar Po and his goons while protecting the other buses and the innocent passengers.

The Resolution:

With a final, exhilarating stunt involving a leap of faith onto the departing Skytrain, Dom and his crew escape with the loot and their lives. Ar Po, defeated and humiliated, is left fuming amidst the Bangkok traffic, his chicken rice dreams forever fried.


Fast 8: Bangkok Bus Brawl combines the high-octane action and globe-trotting adventure of the Fast & Furious franchise with the unique energy and street culture of Bangkok. It's a story of family, loyalty, and finding beauty and skill in unexpected places, all set against the backdrop of one of the world's most vibrant cities.

Additional Ideas:

  • The Bus Line 8 drivers could each have their own backstory and personal motivations for helping Dom.
  • The heist could involve stealing a priceless artifact hidden in the restaurant, adding a layer of cultural intrigue.
  • Ar Po could be connected to a larger criminal organization, hinting at a possible sequel set in another Asian metropolis.

This is just a starting point, of course. With its blend of action, humor, and cultural immersion, Fast 8: Bangkok Bus Brawl promises to be a wild ride for fans of the Fast & Furious franchise and anyone who loves a good car chase!