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F2P (Free to Play): games that Isn't actually a free game, every match costs a part of your sanity until you are left with nothing but regret.

In the world of gaming, "Free-to-Play" (F2P) titles have long been hailed as a gift from the digital heavens. These games promise hours of entertainment without costing you a dime. But, dear gamers, let's peel back the pixelated curtain and reveal the dark truth: F2P games aren't free at all. Every match, every round, every kill comes at a steep price - your sanity.

The Insidious Cycle:

Picture this: you start a match in your favorite F2P game, blissfully unaware of the psychological maelstrom that awaits. The game begins innocently enough, but as the minutes turn into hours, something sinister creeps in. It's the constant barrage of microtransactions, the relentless grind for in-game currency, and the ever-elusive quest for that rare skin.

The Mirage of "Free":

F2P games lure you in with the tantalizing promise of "free" gameplay. They flash their enticing cosmetics, dazzling skins, and weapon charms, all while whispering, "You don't have to spend a penny." But here's the rub: the more you play, the more you're bombarded with opportunities to part with your hard-earned cash.

The Price of Vanity:

In games like Dota 2, CS:GO, Valorant, League of Legends, and Apex Legends, skins and cosmetics reign supreme. These digital baubles are tantalizing, and they come with a hefty price tag - not in dollars, but in the form of sanity points.

The Descent into Madness:

As you dive deeper into the world of F2P, you'll notice your grip on reality slipping. Your screen is filled with notifications about limited-time offers, exclusive bundles, and season passes. The pressure to keep up with the virtual Joneses is palpable, and you start questioning your life choices.

The Endgame:

So, what's the endgame here? After countless hours and potentially dollars spent, you may finally acquire that rare skin or complete a battle pass. But what's left of your sanity? It's been chipped away match by match, loot box by loot box, until you're left with nothing but a hollow victory and an echoing sense of regret.

The Bottom Line:

In the realm of F2P games, nothing is truly free. You may not part with your money directly, but you'll pay with something far more valuable: your sanity. So, the next time you're tempted to dive into the F2P abyss, remember that every kill, every victory, and every skin comes at a cost. And that cost is your dwindling grip on reality. Happy gaming, and may your sanity rest in peace.