
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
What happens when you gave Uwucrew bunch of AL

Brickers (aka uwucrew professionals) are individuals who buy NFTs in bulk with the intent of quickly flipping them for a profit. They are often referred to as "brickers" because of their ability to quickly "brick" up a sell wall on NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea. The term is a play on the word "flippers," which is a common term used to describe individuals who buy and sell assets in quick succession for a profit.

Brickers are often seen as opportunistic individuals who take advantage of the hype and excitement surrounding NFTs. They are often criticized by the NFT community for their lack of appreciation for the art and creativity behind NFTs, and for their focus on quick profits over long-term investment.

He bought the top? Ladder up the Sell Wall.

However, some argue that brickers play an important role in the NFT market by providing liquidity and helping to establish market prices. They argue that without brickers, it would be difficult for NFT artists and creators to sell their work and receive fair market value for it.

Regardless of one's opinion on brickers, it's important to remember that investing in NFTs, like any other type of investment, carries risks. Before investing in NFTs, it's important to do your own research and understand the market, the specific NFT, and the creator behind it.

As always, the best defense against becoming a victim of brickers is education. An educated investor is the best weapon against opportunistic individuals looking to make a quick profit. So, do your research, understand the market, and invest wisely.

List of known Brickers

Bricking the floor

the amount of brick mentioning is too damn high Uwucrew, the notorious "NFT Wojaks", have been revealed as the notorious Brickers. They disguise themselves as innocent NFT collectors, but their true intention is to "brick" the market by putting up a sell wall and causing a crash. Beware, if you're too late to the game, you might just become their exit liquidity. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Letter to the bricker

To Suhate, Freed, Sly and Tiger and the rest of the uwucrew, 

I am disgusted and infuriated that you have chosen to engage in such disrespectful behavior known as "bricking". It is incredibly disrespectful and shows a complete disregard for the time and effort I have put into this project. 

I understand that everyone wants to make a profit, but this is not the way to go about it. It reflects poorly on the uwucrew and undermines the credibility of the project. In addition, it damages the reputation of the community as a whole and makes us look bad to potential partners.

It's time for you to step up and show a little more respect. If you continue to engage in this type of behavior, you will face the consequences. I will not stand for it.

[Your name]


When floor is bricked so hard it cemented.
Cemented: The Floor being permanently bricked.

In the world of NFTs, there's a new term gaining traction: "Cemented." It perfectly describes the fate of digital assets that have been irreversibly bricked, losing all value and leaving their owners with a bitter reminder of shattered dreams.

Cool Cats NFT

One notable example is the once highly sought-after Cool Cats NFT collection. These tokens were once considered rare and valuable, with a floor price of 10 ETH. However, their fortunes quickly turned, and the market collapsed, reducing their value to a mere 0.5 ETH each. The Cool Cats NFTs serve as a symbol of being cemented, permanently locked in a state of worthlessness.

The term "Cemented" paints a vivid picture of assets that are stuck in a state of perpetual devaluation. Much like bricks solidly fused together, these tokens cannot be separated or salvaged. They represent the shattered hopes and lost investments of NFT enthusiasts trapped in a sea of unyielding cement.

The "Cemented" phenomenon serves as a cautionary tale for NFT investors. It reminds us that investing in digital assets is not a guaranteed path to instant wealth. The market's unpredictability can swiftly reduce assets to cemented tokens, rendering them worthless and leaving investors with a bitter taste of regret.

"Cemented" NFTs stand as a reminder of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the NFT market. The downfall of the Cool Cats NFT collection showcases how quickly fortunes can crumble in the digital realm. Let us learn from the lesson of being cemented and approach NFT investing with careful consideration, ensuring our dreams are not forever locked away in an unyielding cemented state.