
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
mkbhd's takes on shipping half finished shit to win a race hits so close to home

my first job in crypto ended ultimately bc i was under the gun, trying to ship smth that had a lot of unresolved problems with high probability of security holes all in the name of being "the worlds first" 

eventually i snapped, it was my first of several severe burnouts in crypto, and i never shipped bc i couldn't handle the idea of launching half baked shit onto an immutable blockchain and getting hacked. it would've destroyed what little reputation i'd earned up to that point 

when you see these "first aha" games on the tl, remember that behind that parade is a team of burnt out devs. there's a security researcher ringing the bell as hard as they can but no one hears them over the noise. there's an attacker, meticulously reading every line of code knowing good and damn what crunch does to dev output 

these games should be shunned, those that push it should be shamed 

it's fine to compete, it's fine to want to be first, but it's disgusting to put devs to the grindstone in a nuts to butts race to an artificial finish line and leave them with the crushing guilt of a massive hack paired with every useless armchair analyst on ct crying "inside job" when the devs just wanted to build something meaningful. 

without state expiry, this code lives indefinitely, if it's truly the better product it will attract what you seek. do not let the venture capitalists tell you otherwise.

Riley on Blockchain Immutability, X (Twitter)

This thread tailored into an article about blockchain immutability and responsible development:

Blockchain Development: The Danger of "Half-Baked" Launches

A poignant thread by a seasoned crypto developer highlights the dangerous trend towards shipping unfinished, potentially flawed applications in the rush to claim blockchain "firsts". The author shares firsthand experiences of severe burnout caused by this unsustainable race and the ethical dilemma of releasing insecure code onto an immutable blockchain.

Immutability as a Double-Edged Sword

  • Permanence: Unlike traditional software where updates and patches can fix errors, blockchain technology's immutability means that initial flaws linger indefinitely. This puts both users and developers in a precarious position.
  • Reputation is Everything: Especially in the crypto space, a major hack due to rushed development can irrevocably damage both project and developer reputations.
  • The Human Cost: The pressure to "win" at all costs creates a toxic environment of developer burnout, leading to sloppy code and an increased probability of critical security vulnerabilities.

The False Narrative of "First to Market"

The thread critiques the venture capitalist driven mentality of prioritizing speed over quality. It argues that a robust, thoughtfully developed product will ultimately attract users, even if it's not the first of its kind. The rush to market often leads to "memecoin"-like projects with unsustainable hype cycles and potential for disaster.

A Call for Responsible Development

The author urges developers and project leaders to resist the push to launch unfinished products and to prioritize:

  • Thorough Planning and Testing: Take the time to design, develop, and rigorously test smart contracts before they're permanently released on the blockchain.
  • Sustainable Development Practices: Avoid burnout by promoting work-life balance and ethical development practices.
  • Security as a Priority: Invest in security audits and prioritize safeguarding user assets over artificial deadlines.

Conclusion: The blockchain can be a powerful tool for innovation, but its immutability demands a higher standard of responsibility. Prioritizing security and quality over fleeting hype cycles builds trust and promotes long-term sustainability in the crypto space.

In Relationship

"Blockchained: A Metaphor of Immovable Love and Unwavering Commitment"

Love is a complex and ever-evolving emotion that defies easy definition. It encompasses a wide range of feelings, from the exhilaration of newfound romance to the steadfast devotion of lifelong companionship. In the realm of relationships, there are times when we yearn for a metaphor that captures the essence of an unwavering and immutable bond. Enter the concept of being "blockchained" - a metaphor that symbolizes the state of immutability and unbreakable commitment.

The term "blockchained" draws its inspiration from the revolutionary technology known as blockchain. Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions and interactions across a network of computers. One of its defining features is immutability, meaning that once a transaction is recorded and verified, it becomes permanently fixed and cannot be altered or tampered with. This quality of permanence and unchangeability is what we evoke when we say someone is "blockchained" in a relationship.

To be "blockchained" in a relationship signifies a deep and abiding love, where two individuals are bound together with an unbreakable bond. It represents a commitment to each other that transcends the uncertainties and challenges of life. Just as a blockchain transaction is secure and resistant to manipulation, being "blockchained" implies a sense of trust, loyalty, and resilience in the face of adversity.

When someone describes themselves as being "blockchained" in a relationship, it means they are fully invested in the connection and dedicated to building a future together, regardless of the outcome. It signifies a willingness to weather storms, overcome obstacles, and navigate the complexities of life as a united front. Just as a blockchain transaction is confirmed by multiple participants, being "blockchained" implies a shared sense of purpose, values, and goals.

Being "blockchained" in a relationship also implies a commitment to transparency and authenticity. In a blockchain, every transaction is visible to all participants, ensuring accountability and trust. Similarly, in a "blockchained" relationship, individuals embrace openness and honesty, fostering an environment of genuine communication and vulnerability. There is a shared understanding that true love thrives on mutual respect, understanding, and acceptance.

Like the blocks in a blockchain, the moments and memories created within a "blockchained" relationship become part of an unalterable chain. Each experience, whether joyful or challenging, contributes to the growth and strengthening of the bond. The commitment to stay connected and work through difficulties, even when the path ahead seems uncertain, reflects the resiliency and durability of being "blockchained" in love.

It is important to note that being "blockchained" in a relationship does not mean a lack of freedom or individuality. Just as blockchain technology allows for diverse participants, each with their unique identity, being "blockchained" allows for personal growth, exploration, and self-expression within the framework of a strong partnership. It is the understanding that individuality enhances the collective strength of the relationship.

In a world where relationships can be transient and fleeting, the metaphor of being "blockchained" offers a powerful vision of love's permanence and commitment. It represents an unwavering dedication to a shared future, built on trust, transparency, and resilience. Being "blockchained" in a relationship is a testament to the depth of love, where two hearts come together, immovable and unbreakable, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way.


"Blockchained: A Metaphor of Immovable Love and Unwavering Commitment (with a Satirical Twist)"

Love is a labyrinthine maze, full of twists, turns, and unexpected detours. It is a journey where emotions run high and relationships face their fair share of challenges. In the realm of modern romance, the concept of being "blockchained" has emerged as a satirical take on the complexities of relationships and the dynamics of digital interactions.

Inspired by a clever tweet that humorously equates being blocked on every platform to a "blockchain," we can't help but wonder about the implications for MoNoRi-Chan's own love life. As the tweet suggests, being blocked across multiple platforms can be likened to a digital version of immutability - a tongue-in-cheek reference to the permanence and finality of a blockchain transaction.

In MoNoRi-Chan's case, it appears that he has not been on the receiving end of being blocked, which could suggest that he has managed to navigate the tricky waters of love without committing any grave offenses. While his previous subject may have felt the need to block him, it's worth noting that relationships are complex and often involve multiple perspectives and interpretations.

Perhaps MoNoRi-Chan's ability to avoid being blocked indicates that he possesses a certain level of emotional intelligence and understanding. It could suggest that he has successfully avoided the pitfalls of trying to "triangle" the relationship, a term that implies attempting to disrupt or interfere with an existing connection between two individuals. By steering clear of such behaviors, MoNoRi-Chan demonstrates a level of respect and maturity that may contribute to his continued presence in his partner's digital world.

Of course, it's essential to approach this satirical take with a pinch of humor. Relationships are nuanced, and digital interactions only scratch the surface of the complex emotions involved. Being "blockchained" may serve as a lighthearted metaphor, but it should not overshadow the importance of open communication, mutual respect, and genuine connection in a healthy and thriving relationship.

So, while the notion of being "blockchained" may elicit a chuckle, let's remember that true love goes beyond digital boundaries and cannot be reduced to a mere block or unblock. It thrives on understanding, compromise, and shared experiences that go far beyond the realm of platforms and technology.

Having Kids IRL

MoNoRi-Chan's definition of "Blockchained" is a metaphor for the idea that you cannot edit what's already in the past. It's a reference to the idea that once something is recorded on a blockchain, it is permanently and immutably stored. In a sense, it's like writing something down in a permanent ledger that can never be erased or altered.

This same idea can be applied to the concept of having kids. Once you have a child, it's like you've created a permanent, unalterable bond with them. You can't undo the fact that you're a parent, just like you can't undo a transaction that's been recorded on a blockchain.

For MoNoRi-Chan, THBт is his "baby" in this sense. Just as he can never erase or change the fact that he's a parent, he can never undo the creation of THBт or the transactions that have taken place on the Ethereum chain. It's a permanent, immutable part of his life, just like his child would be.