Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
I think it's just competition doing its cycle:

5 years ago Intel was the leader, AMD had to compete so it offered something better:
i5 with 4 cores vs R5 with 6 cores.

Nowadays AMD is the leader (atleast for PC building) so Intel has to offer something better:
i5 with 10 cores* vs R5 with 6 cores.

I don't know if AMD will embrace eCores as the next "big thing",
we might be seeing 3D Cache being implemented on every cpu instead of just x3D's though.

AyyMD is da best. E-Core is just E-Waste. Don't fall for the Greenwashing. The megacorporations and the J3K are the real one destroying this planet not just fossil fuel but now with their lithium mines and cement plants.