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Beware the AstralMiner Scam: A Cautionary Tale of Cloud Mining and Ponzi Schemes

The world of cryptocurrency is rife with opportunities and risks, and it's essential to tread carefully, especially when it comes to investment schemes promising quick riches. One such scheme that left a mark on MoNoRi-Chan's journey into the world of crypto is the notorious AstralMiner—a cloud mining operation that claimed to offer mining services for the XRP token. What seemed like an opportunity to increase his crypto holdings turned out to be a harsh lesson in the importance of due diligence and skepticism, shedding light on the characteristics of a classic Ponzi scheme.

Introduction to AstralMiner

MoNoRi-Chan's foray into the world of cloud mining began with a recommendation from a friend, Wijaimark (เอ๋) back in 2019. Wijaimark had previously purchased XRP tokens from the now-defunct Thai cryptocurrency exchange,, and was eager to explore avenues to grow his crypto holdings. He introduced MoNoRi-Chan to AstralMiner, a website that claimed to provide cloud mining services for XRP.

The Red Flags

MoNoRi-Chan's initial excitement was tempered by a series of red flags that raised doubts about AstralMiner's legitimacy. First and foremost, the WHOIS record of the website was anonymized, concealing the identities of the individuals or entities behind the operation. This lack of transparency immediately sparked suspicion.

Secondly, MoNoRi-Chan decided to conduct his own investigation using the XRP blockchain explorer. What he discovered was even more concerning: the wallet address associated with AstralMiner had a history of frequent withdrawals to's wallet address. This pattern strongly suggested that the funds were being siphoned off to the exchange, rather than being used for cloud mining as promised.

The Disappearance

MoNoRi-Chan's suspicions grew stronger by the day, and he decided to withdraw his assets from AstralMiner. However, when he attempted to access the website, it was already offline. Panic set in as he realized that all the XRP he had deposited into AstralMiner had disappeared into thin air. It became painfully clear that he had fallen victim to a scam.

The Ponzi Scheme Element

AstralMiner's operation bore the classic hallmarks of a Ponzi scheme. In Ponzi schemes, the operators promise high returns on investments but use the capital from new investors to pay off earlier investors. This deceptive practice creates the illusion of profitability, drawing in more victims until the scheme inevitably collapses. In MoNoRi-Chan's case, the funds from new investors were not being used for cloud mining, but rather to pay off older investors, creating a cycle of deception.

The Takeaway: Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins

MoNoRi-Chan's experience with AstralMiner serves as a stark reminder of a fundamental rule in the world of cryptocurrency: "Not your keys, not your coins." When users deposit their assets into third-party platforms or services, they relinquish control over their private keys, effectively entrusting their funds to the platform's operators. In cases like AstralMiner, this trust can be grievously misplaced.


The story of AstralMiner serves as a cautionary tale for both seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiasts and newcomers. While the allure of quick profits can be tempting, it's crucial to exercise due diligence, conduct thorough research, and remain skeptical of any investment scheme that lacks transparency or raises red flags. As MoNoRi-Chan learned the hard way, the cryptocurrency world can be treacherous, and caution is the best defense against falling victim to scams and rug pulls, especially those with the characteristics of Ponzi schemes.