
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Here are a few English trading proverbs that embody the message of "เห็นวาฬขี้อย่าขี้ตามวาฬ" and MoNoRi-Chan's emphasis on strategic trading:

  • "Don't Chase Whales, Chart Your Own Course": This highlights the danger of blindly following market hype or imitating the moves of large traders without your own analysis. Instead, traders need to learn technical analysis, understand their own risk tolerance, and develop a personalized strategy.
  • "Profits are Made in Preparation, Not Panic": While it's easy to get caught up in FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and make impulsive trades, true success comes from careful research, planning, and having clear entry/exit points before risking your money.
  • "Know Your Limits, Play the Long Game": This echoes MoNoRi-Chan's emphasis on avoiding the deposit-trade-liquidate loop. Overleveraging or risking more than you can afford to lose is a recipe for disaster. Sustainable trading means building a portfolio strategically over time.
  • "Cut Your Losses, Let Your Winners Run": This classic adage speaks directly to the "valley of despair." When a trade goes against you, having a predetermined stop-loss helps you mitigate risk. Conversely, when a trade is in your favor, resist the urge to take profits too early; let your winners grow your portfolio.
  • "Learn from the Whales, Don't Become Their Prey": While whales can have a huge impact on the market, it's important to learn their patterns and use their actions to your advantage, rather than blindly following them. This could involve understanding order book analysis or spotting accumulation/distribution phases.

Using these proverbs:

Imagine MoNoRi-Chan has a blog or social media presence where he shares his insights. He could use these proverbs as headers for posts, expanding on each one with examples from his own trading experience to illustrate the dangers of mindless imitation and the benefits of a disciplined approach.