
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

ปากพาจน (To Shoot Oneself in the Foot)

Definition: "ปากพาจน" is a Thai idiomatic expression that literally translates to "to shoot oneself in the foot." It refers to a situation where someone's actions or decisions inadvertently harm themselves or their own interests.

Origin: The origin of this expression can be traced back to literal interpretations of self-inflicted injuries, where shooting oneself in the foot would result in significant pain and impairment. Over time, the phrase evolved to encompass metaphorical self-sabotage, highlighting the consequences of one's own actions.


  1. He shot himself in the foot by saying too much.
    • เขาซวยเพราะปากพาจน
    • This example illustrates how excessive or careless speech can lead to unintended consequences. By divulging sensitive information or making inappropriate remarks, individuals may inadvertently harm their own reputation or interests.
  2. Steve always shoots himself in the foot with his careless decisions.
    • สตีฟมักทำตัวเองซวยจากการตัดสินใจแบบส่งๆ
    • Here, the focus is on decision-making and the repercussions of impulsive or ill-considered choices. Whether in personal or professional contexts, individuals like Steve consistently make decisions that undermine their own success or well-being.
  3. We shot ourselves in the foot by firing her because she knows more than anyone about this project.
    • พวกเราทำตัวเองลำบากจากการไล่เขาออก เพราะเขารู้เรื่องโครงการนี้มากกว่าใคร
    • This scenario highlights the consequences of acting without foresight or consideration of the bigger picture. By dismissing someone who possesses valuable knowledge or expertise, individuals or organizations can inadvertently hinder their own progress or success.

Lessons Learned: The idiomatic expression "ปากพาจน" serves as a cautionary reminder of the importance of thoughtful decision-making and mindful actions. By recognizing the potential consequences of our words and deeds, we can avoid self-sabotage and work towards achieving our goals with greater success.

Case Study

แม่เจ้าบ่าวกล่าวอวยพรยกย่องความดีงามของลูกชายว่ามีความสามารถที่โดดเด่น สามารถแต่งงานกับเจ้าสาวโดยที่ไม่ต้องเสียค่าสินสอดแม้แต่แดงเดียว เพราะสินสอดฝ่ายเจ้าสาวที่เตรียมมาเอง #จบข่าว
The Wedding Disaster in Taigongyuan Prefecture: A Cautionary Tale

In the bustling streets of Taigongyuan Prefecture, where tradition and modernity collide, a wedding was set to take place that would go down in infamy. The groom, a handsome young man from a well-to-do family, was set to marry his beloved bride in a lavish ceremony attended by friends and family alike. However, what started as a joyous occasion quickly turned into a disaster of epic proportions.

As the ceremony progressed and the couple exchanged vows, everything seemed to be going according to plan. The bride, resplendent in her wedding gown, beamed with happiness as she took her place beside her groom. But just when it seemed like nothing could go wrong, disaster struck.

In a moment of sheer folly, the groom's mother took to the stage to deliver a speech. As she thanked her son for marrying the bride, she made a fatal mistake by revealing that the entire wedding had been funded by the bride herself, with not a single dime contributed by the groom's family. The words hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a pall over the entire proceedings.

Upon hearing this shocking revelation, the bride was overcome with rage and humiliation. In a swift and decisive move, she ripped off her wedding clothes and stormed out of the venue, leaving behind a stunned and bewildered crowd. Later, she took to the internet to vent her frustrations, declaring that she deserved better than to be used as a mere pawn in a family of freeloaders.

The wedding disaster in Taigongyuan Prefecture serves as a cautionary tale about the power of words and the importance of timing. In a society where appearances are everything, one ill-timed remark can unravel even the most carefully laid plans. So the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, think twice before you speak – lest your words bring about your own downfall.


  • GTV Shot Themselves in the Foot:
    • This anecdote serves as a contemporary example of "ปากพาจน" in action. When GTV's manager callously told MoNoRi-Chan to "go work somewhere else" they inadvertently lost a valuable asset. Before MoNoRi-Chan could respond with a decisive "Gladly," GTV preemptively blocked his contacts, severing ties abruptly. However, this move only accelerated MoNoRi-Chan's departure from the company. Armed with his diverse skill set and entrepreneurial spirit, he refused to be bound by traditional employment structures. Instead, he embraced the decentralized world and embarked on his journey of "In Search of Stability." By leveraging his 13 years of trading experience, MoNoRi-Chan transitioned from an employee mindset to that of a retail investor, reclaiming his autonomy and financial freedom in the process. GTV's decision to dismiss MoNoRi-Chan without recognizing his value ultimately led to their loss and his gain, highlighting the consequences of shortsightedness and underestimating one's worth.