
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Title: ขำกลิ้งลิงกับพอร์ท: The Hilarious Trading Gamb|eshow

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the most uproarious gameshow in the financial galaxy – ขำกลิ้งลิงกับพอร์ท! Hosted by the one and only Mr. Market, this time, our contestants are none other than MoNoRi-Chan and his eclectic group of friends, all eager to showcase their trading prowess and comedic genius.


  • Ajarn Igq (Grassstation CEO) with the ling MM, he said his account (?) doesn't have an SL,let's see how far this can go.


Round 1: Sniper Trading Madness

In this round, MoNoRi-Chan steps up to the plate, aiming for the perfect shot in the art of sniper trading. With his trusty mouse as his weapon of choice, he squints at the charts, waiting for the opportune moment. But, oh, what's this? A sudden twist! Just as he's about to pull the trigger, his screen is bombarded with emojis, courtesy of his mischievous friend, Port. Laughter echoes through the trading room as MoNoRi-Chan tries to maintain his composure.

Round 2: Economic News Roulette

Next up, the gang faces the challenge of holding positions during high-impact economic news. MoNoRi-Chan, confident in his analytical skills, takes the lead. But, hold on! In an unexpected turn of events, a special guest banker joins the scene – none other than Mr. Market's mischievous cousin, Sneezekun. With a single sneeze, Sneezekun blows away all the carefully crafted positions. The contestants are left in stitches as they watch their charts go haywire.

Round 3: Port's Comedy Corner

Now, it's time for a dose of humor from the one and only Port. Armed with a microphone and a knack for witty commentary, Port delivers punchlines faster than a high-frequency trading algorithm. His comedic timing leaves the audience in splits, and even MoNoRi-Chan can't help but laugh at his own trading misadventures.

Bonus Round: Risky Business

In the final round, contestants face the challenge of navigating risky trades. MoNoRi-Chan, known for his fearless approach, takes the lead. But, surprise! The trades are now controlled by a giant, inflatable monkey – a nod to Mr. Market's signature move. The audience roars with laughter as MoNoRi-Chan tries to negotiate with the whimsical primate, attempting to turn a potentially disastrous trade into a profitable one.

Epilogue: Ending the Nov 2023 Book

As the final chapter unfolds on NFP day of December, MoNoRi-Chan takes a bold leap into the USD/JPY at market. However, the whims of the market greens were not in for so loing in his favor. Instead of Taking Profits TP1, TP2. He went to sleep and market printed classic "Double Top". The numbers on the screen turn red, and MoNoRi-Chan watches in dismay as his account suffers a total loss of 72.03 USD.

The laughter that once filled the trading room is replaced by a solemn silence. Mr. Market, usually the jester of the financial galaxy, wears a sympathetic expression. MoNoRi-Chan, though facing a setback, takes it in stride. After all, in the unpredictable world of trading, every loss is a lesson, and every lesson is a step toward mastery.

And so, the Nov 2023 book concludes, leaving our contestants with valuable experiences and a resolve to face the next trading adventure with newfound wisdom and humor. Stay tuned for more episodes of ขำกลิ้งลิงกับพอร์ท, where the only thing more unpredictable than the markets is the laughter that echoes through the trading room!