µ6:Back To Me

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Back to Me is MoNoRi-Chan's Anthem for what define who they are.


Music Video Plot

Title: Back to Me - A Post-Apocalyptic Reversal

Scene 1: The Desolate City

The video opens with a desolate and abandoned cityscape. Buildings are crumbling, and the streets are filled with  debris. The atmosphere is eerie and post-apocalyptic.

Scene 2: The Countdown

As the music begins, the video plays in reverse, showing the events leading up to the destruction. Time rewinds, and we see military movements, protests, and political tensions escalating.

Scene 3: The Cataclysmic Moment

At the first beat drop, the video switches to the moment of impact. An ICBM is launched into the sky, hurtling towards the city. The devastation unfolds in reverse, with buildings reconstructing and rising from the rubble.

Scene 4: The Rain of Hope

As the music continues, the second drop represents the aftermath of the destruction. Rain starts falling, symbolizing hope and renewal. People gather, helping each other and rebuilding their lives.

Scene 5: The Riot for Change

The video transitions to a powerful scene of a protest. People unite against injustice, demanding change. The reverse playback shows the protest growing in size, with signs and banners flying backwards.

Scene 6: Back to Me

As the music reaches its climax, the video reveals MoNoRi-Chan sitting in front of a computer screen. They are depicted as a skilled hacker, taking control and seeking justice. The lyrics "Back to Me" emphasize their determination and resilience.

Closing Scene:
The video ends with MoNoRi-Chan's triumphant expression, symbolizing the power of individuals to make a difference and reclaim control in a chaotic world.

This music video plot captures the essence of a post-apocalyptic reversal, showcasing themes of destruction, hope, and empowerment represented by MoNoRi-Chan, a hackerman seeking justice.