SPKZ's WAF (PHP Framework)

From The Sarkhan Nexus
Revision as of 11:09, 10 February 2024 by MoNoLidThZ (talk | contribs)

SPKZ's PHP Web Application Framework is a set of classes for use with PHP Applications. (Obsolete Library, no longer maintained)

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The SPKZ's PHP Web Application Framework was a set of classes for use with PHP Applications developed by N.I. in the early 2010s. The framework was designed to make it easier for developers to create web applications by providing pre-written code for common tasks such as authentication and hashing functions.

The first application created using the SPKZ's WAF was a Restaurant Web Application for Shabu Kru Com, followed by the personal accounting software xPense, which was written using the SPKZ's PHP Web Application Framework for personal use. xPense was designed with basic features including adding transactions, grouping transactions, daily summaries, and the MTXcScanner, a function that allowed users to scan for specific types of transactions in a user-friendly format.

However, despite its initial success, the SPKZ's PHP Web Application Framework was eventually rendered obsolete due to a lack of support and updates from its creator, N.I. The framework also suffered from a number of downsides, including a lack of pagination functionality. As a result, N.I. decided to abandon the framework and instead focus on a full rewrite of xPense, now marketed as WAF8 for PHP 8 powered by Laravel.

The new WAF8 version of xPense will include a number of new and improved features, such as SSO sign-in with popular platforms such as Google, Facebook, GitHub, and Microsoft, as well as the option to remove password-based authentication in favor of a Web3 wallet connection. With these new features, N.I. hopes to bring xPense up to date with the latest security threats and provide users with a more secure and convenient way to manage their finances.

Security Features

  • Autoloading File Name Encryption & Source code Encryption (Web Application will decrypt libraries on the fly)

Web Application Using SPKZ's WAF

  1. Restaurant Web Application (Shabu Kru Com)
  2. SPKZ's xPense