Traditional Asian Family

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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Humanely raised, occasionally verbally abused
What your typical parents will do.

In many Asian cultures, the traditional family structure holds a deep-rooted respect for elders and emphasizes the importance of filial piety. This value system, rooted in Confucianism, places great emphasis on devotion and respect for the wisdom and experience of older generations. In both traditional and modern Asian families, the elders are revered, cared for, and highly regarded by the rest of the family.

However, this reverence for elders can sometimes clash with the desire for individual freedom and self-expression, particularly when it comes to choices in education and career paths. In traditional Asian families, children are often expected to follow a predetermined path, one that aligns with the family's aspirations and societal expectations. Professions such as medicine, engineering, or law are often favored, seen as secure and respectable choices.

Talking Back = Disrespect Elderly (in their opinion)

This expectation to conform to certain career paths can create tension within the family, as it may limit the individual's ability to pursue their own passions and interests. The pressure to meet familial expectations can be overwhelming, leading some individuals to feel trapped or conflicted.

MoNoRi-Chan, however, stands as an exception to this traditional mindset. Having been born and raised without a predetermined purpose, he found himself free to carve his own path in life. He embraced the freedom to explore and discover his own passions, unencumbered by the weight of familial expectations.

His journey had a profound influence on one of his friends, Paoshinoda. Paoshinoda, like many others, initially felt compelled to comply with his family's expectations. The pressure to study at the Civil Aviation Training Center weighed heavily on him. However, MoNoRi-Chan's more laid-back and free-focused lifestyle inspired him to question the forced compliance of the SOTUS system.

With the courage to break away from his family's expectations, Paoshinoda made the decision to pursue a different path. Instead of conforming to societal norms, he sought academic success on his own terms. Choosing to attend the INT University, where a continuous improvement approach prevailed, allowed him the opportunity to grow and flourish.

Paoshinoda's journey serves as an example of the complexities individuals face in reconciling traditional family values with their own desires for personal fulfillment. The need for self-expression and the pursuit of individual passions should not be overshadowed by rigid societal expectations.

As Asian societies continue to evolve, it is important to foster a balance between respecting the wisdom of elders and embracing the individuality of each family member. The promotion of open dialogue and understanding can help bridge the gap between generations, enabling the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment while maintaining strong family bonds.

It is worth noting that while this article reflects common experiences and challenges faced within traditional Asian families, each family and individual is unique, and cultural dynamics can vary greatly. Understanding and respect for diverse family structures and traditions is essential to creating a harmonious and inclusive society.