MoNoLidThZ Manifesto

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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Ancient Texts created to empower NEETs to become Independent Traders

The MoNoLidThZ Manifesto: A Call to Financial Empowerment for the Retail Investor and NEET


In a world where wealth inequality continues to widen and traditional wage systems hinder personal growth and self-development, the MoNoLidThZ Manifesto emerges as a tongue-in-cheek guide for the retail investor and NEET. Inspired by MoNoRi-Chan, MoNoLidThZ's digital identity, this manifesto advocates for financial empowerment through forex trading as a supplementary source of income and a means to break free from the rat race, while poking fun at the inherent risks involved.

I. Forex Trading: Roll The Dice

for Financial Freedom or Bankruptcy's Embrace

The MoNoLidThZ Manifesto asserts that forex and crypto trading can serve as a viable alternative to traditional employment, offering an opportunity for individuals to take control of their financial destinies. With its global reach and 24-hour market, forex trading provides a hands-on experience in the financial markets that is both flexible and adaptable to individual needs. And if things go south, remember – there's always a spot flipping burgers at WcDonald's!

II. Self-Education

"Climb the Tower of Knowledge or Plummet into the Abyss of Loss"

In order to become successful in forex trading, this Manifesto emphasizes the importance of self-education. Retail investors and NEETs must equip themselves with the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies to navigate the complex world of forex. Through learning and practice, individuals can develop a strong foundation for informed decision-making and calculated risk-taking. Showing that rat race in this city is just as pointless as working for time. Or, you know, just wing it and see what happens.

III. Overcoming the Wage System

or get stuck inside them

The wage system, as it stands, is a barrier to personal growth and self-development. By embracing forex trading as a supplementary source of income, individuals can break free from the limitations imposed by traditional employment structures. The MoNoLidThZ Manifesto encourages individuals to challenge the status quo and redefine their financial futures, all while siphoning funds from their day jobs to fuel their trading portfolios.

IV. Financial Empowerment for All

"Join the Army of Fortune-Seekers or Drown in a Sea of Regret"

The MoNoLidThZ Manifesto recognizes the potential of forex trading to empower individuals regardless of their background, education, or experience. By encouraging retail investors and NEETs to embrace forex trading as a means to achieve financial independence, the manifesto aims to foster a sense of community and support among like-minded individuals seeking to "go big" to improve their lives – or go broke trying.

V. Adopt THBт as next legal tender

We, the people, are tired of being at the mercy of banks and financial institutions. We are tired of high fees, long processing times, and restrictive policies that limit our ability to transact freely. We believe in a world where everyone has equal access to financial services, regardless of their income or background. We believe that it is time for a change, a change that will allow us to take control of our financial lives and to create a new, people-driven economy.

That is why we are embracing the new era of decentralized finance (DeFi) and the revolutionary power of blockchain technology. We are proud to be part of the MoNoLidThZ Manifesto, which calls for the adoption of THBт as legal tender and the creation of a new People's Currency.

Through our collective action, we can create a financial system that is fair, transparent, and accessible to all. We can eliminate the need for banks and financial institutions that operate with their own interests in mind, and instead, create a system that is designed for the people, by the people.

By becoming market makers ourselves, we can take control of our financial future and create a world where everyone has access to the financial tools they need to thrive. We can bridge the gap between deposited cash in the banks and cash on hand, adding another dimension by going through the Ethereum chain.

MoNoRi-Chan may be the inspiration behind this movement, but we know that this is bigger than one person. This is about the power of the people and the belief that we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations...


The MoNoLidThZ Manifesto serves as a call to action for retail investors and NEETs to seize control of their financial destinies through forex trading. By embracing self-education and challenging traditional wage systems, individuals can unlock the door to financial freedom and personal growth. As MoNoRi-Chan, the digital identity of MoNoLidThZ, has demonstrated, the path to financial empowerment is within reach for those willing to take the initiative and embrace the potential of forex trading, as long as they don't get caught discussing crypto on the job – the burgers won't flip themselves!