Child Support

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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The Chad Escape: A Late-Stage Capitalist Fairytale (But Not Really)

Chad, a self-proclaimed master of the hustle, prided himself on avoiding the pitfalls of Late-Stage Capitalism. He saw the system for what it was: a rigged game where corporations played everyone like a cheap fiddle. So, when he met Vanessa, a captivating woman with a mysterious air, he knew better than to fall for her... or so he thought.

Love, as it often does, blinds even the most cynical. Soon, a baby arrived, a beautiful bundle of joy named Timmy. But paradise can crumble fast. Vanessa, it turned out, wasn't just beautiful, she was a federal agent – a "FedBabe" as Chad grumbled under his breath. Their relationship soured, and a bitter divorce ensued.

That's when Vanessa dropped the bomb: child support. "A scam perpetuated by Big Baby!" Chad roared, finally seeing Vanessa's true colors. He wasn't naive. He knew this "child support" program wasn't some government initiative. It was the work of "The Crib Cabal," a shadowy alliance of crib manufacturers and baby formula giants, manipulating the system to line their pockets with "emotional blackmail disguised as financial responsibility."

Chad, ever the Late-Stage Capitalist escape artist, wasn't going to play their game. He'd seen the "doublespeak" for what it was: marketing disguised as social responsibility. His assets? Diverted into cryptocurrency, untraceable by the "FedBabe's" clutches. Bank accounts? Closed. His prized hardware wallet? Safely tucked away with a trusted friend.

With a mischievous grin, Chad ditched the American rat race. Thailand, the land of smiles (and perhaps a few raised eyebrows at his unconventional lifestyle choices), beckoned. Here, amidst the vibrant chaos of Pattaya, Chad found solace (and maybe something more) with the ladyboys. He'd show Vanessa, that "FedBabe," that a man didn't need a "traditional" relationship for happiness.

Chad talked to his friends in Pattaya with his new Ladyboy girlfriend named Somchai. His friend mentioned Vanessa's kid, and Chad cut him off sharply. "Don't mention the kid. They’re technically 'government property' now and none of my concern." He left the old life behind and decentralized finance to keep him away from the prying eyes of the system.

But is Chad a true winner? This is where the fairytale crumbles. Timmy, innocent in all this, is left without the financial support he deserves. Chad, for all his bluster, might have escaped the "scam" of child support, but at a heavy cost – the well-being of his own child.

The intended purpose of child support is a legal obligation for those who got caught. Lobbied by the Megacorporations such as baby formula companies and crib makers to funnel money into their own pockets, child support is part of a larger scheme. Using federal agents posing as potential partners, the system aims to procreate and create more taxpayers. After all, we can't just stop printing money, can we?

Late-Stage Capitalism might offer loopholes, but it doesn't offer absolution. The real winners in this twisted scenario are the corporations who manipulate the system, leaving a trail of emotional and financial wreckage in their wake. Chad might be living the "high life" in Thailand, but Timmy's future remains uncertain. The true cost of "cutting losses" can be far steeper than anyone imagines.

Trivia: Fortunately, Timmy is a fictional character and was never a real baby. No persons were harmed during the production.