Grasss Network

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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GrasssNet: The Fort Knox of Customer KYC Data

In the world of corporate compliance, safeguarding customer KYC (Know Your Customer) data is paramount. GrasssNet, inspired by the stringent security protocols of military networks like SIPRNet and NSANet, aims to create a fortified digital environment where sensitive information is meticulously protected.

Drawing on the unique concept of "virtual filing cabinets", GrasssNet leverages a Laravel LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) wrapper to provide a secure, centralized repository for customer data. Each customer is assigned a dedicated virtual cabinet, meticulously organized and encrypted, ensuring that their information remains confidential and accessible only to authorized personnel.

Fortress-Like Security Measures

GrasssNet employs a multi-layered approach to security, incorporating the following measures:

  1. Strict Access Controls: Access to GrasssNet is tightly controlled through a robust authentication system that verifies user identities and enforces role-based access control.
  2. Keystroke Logging and Activity Auditing: Every keystroke within the network is logged, and user activities are subjected to random audits. This ensures accountability and deters unauthorized actions.
  3. Download and Print Tracking: All downloads and printouts of documents from GrasssNet are recorded, creating a comprehensive audit trail that can be used to investigate any potential misuse of data.
  4. Offshore Data Storage: To further enhance security, GrasssNet stores KYC data in offshore locations away from State of Sarkhan, adding an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access (including government agencies) or data breaches.
  5. Retrieval Fee: Accessing customer data from the offshore repository incurs a nominal fee of 1 baht per request, discouraging frivolous inquiries and ensuring that data is accessed only when necessary.

Laravel LDAP Wrapper and Virtual Filing Cabinets

GrasssNet's architecture is built upon a Laravel LDAP wrapper, which facilitates seamless integration with existing corporate directory services. This enables efficient user authentication and management, simplifying the onboarding process for new employees.

The concept of virtual filing cabinets adds a layer of intuitive organization to the system. Each customer's data is stored in their own virtual cabinet, making it easy for authorized personnel to access and review relevant information. This approach streamlines compliance workflows and enhances operational efficiency.

Compliance and Beyond

While GrasssNet was initially designed for KYC compliance, its robust security features and flexible architecture make it adaptable to a wide range of use cases. It can be used to store and manage other sensitive information, such as financial records, intellectual property, or confidential business data.


GrasssNet sets a new standard for corporate data security, offering a secure haven for sensitive customer information. By combining cutting-edge technology with meticulous security protocols, it empowers organizations to meet their compliance obligations while maintaining the highest levels of data integrity and confidentiality.

Previous Definition

Grasss Network is a Coolective term of what happened when you give web developers a grass.

Grasss Network = Makers (Cannabis Farms) + Takers (Retail Shops buying in bulk) 
♻ Restored Content: The following content is a work of fiction and has been generated with the assistance of OpenAI GPT-3 language model. Any names or references to people, organizations, or events are purely coincidental and should not be inferred. The content is not intended to represent any real-world entities or situations. The purpose of this content is purely for entertainment and educational purposes only.

The Content was restored (with assistance from 冰淇淋 Cache) from the data purge, the content on this article may be outdated.


Grasss Network: From Dispensary to Market Disruptor

Grasss Network began as a Grassstation cannabis dispensary in Thailand, founded by MoNoRi-Chan and Igq (Grassstation CEO), who sought to provide safe, high-quality products amidst a market plagued by questionable brick weed. When a centralized entity (Google Maps) delisted Igq's dispensary, MoNoRi-Chan didn't just react—he countered. was born, rapidly becoming Thailand's cannabis yellow pages and empowering consumers to find trusted, legal suppliers.

Grasss Network's reputation for quality grew as they expanded more into retail sales and distribution. Their commitment to social responsibility and sustainable farming practices further solidified their role as industry leaders.

The Birth of KrdLuXng Exchange: A Farmer's Market

Recognizing the opportunity to streamline supply chains and bring more transparency to the cannabis market, MoNoRi-Chan spearheaded the creation of KrdLuXng Exchange. This groundbreaking SCM platform aimed to tokenize(ew, NFTs) cannabis products, with each token redeemable for an equivalent amount at Grasss HQ. (Location TBD, probably in the Ricefields)

KrdLuXng Exchange functions like a spot exchange, connecting farmers (makers) directly with bulk buyers (takers). Farmers agreeing to use the platform incur storage fees (maker fees) and platform fees for wholesale trades. This market-maker model provides several benefits:

  • Price Discovery and Stability: KrdLuXng establishes a centralized marketplace for price discovery, potentially reducing price volatility for farmers.
  • Assured Liquidity: The "buy limit" order acts as a buyer of last resort, ensuring farmers have a consistent outlet to sell their products.
  • Streamlined Transactions: Invoicing and QR-code redemption through the platform simplify the sales and fulfillment process.

Grasss Network: A Thriving Ecosystem

The success of KrdLuXng Exchange further fueled Grasss Network's growth. Their reputation attracted acquisitions and led to their eventual listing of the platform token on (L2 Chain TBD). Grasss Network stands today as a testament to innovation to the cannabis industry—a model for ensuring quality, sustainability, and fair market access for farmers nationwide.

Key Points Emphasized:

  • MoNoRi-Chan's Foresight: Highlight his ability to transform challenges into opportunities.
  • Market Maker Role: KrdLuXng Exchange positions Grasss Network as a stabilizing force in the agricultural market.
  • Benefits for Farmers: Transparency, liquidity, and streamlined sales processes.
