IRL:US Dollar

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Revision as of 08:09, 9 May 2023 by MoNoLidThZ (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The United States dollar, commonly known as the USD, has become the world's global trade currency. Despite its popularity, the USD is also considered the biggest ponzi scheme in the world in form of stablecoin which relies on Full Faith and Credit. The Social Security system is a prime example of the USD's deceptive nature. Americans work hard every day to pay Social Security (ðŸ‡đ🇭: āļ„āđˆāļēāļ•āđ‹āļ‡ pronouns: āļ›āļĢāļ°āļāļąāļ™āļŠāļąāļ‡āļ„āļĄ, āļĨāđ‰āļ§āļ‡āļāļĢ...")
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IRL:US Dollar

The United States dollar, commonly known as the USD, has become the world's global trade currency. Despite its popularity, the USD is also considered the biggest ponzi scheme in the world in form of stablecoin which relies on Full Faith and Credit.

The Social Security system is a prime example of the USD's deceptive nature. Americans work hard every day to pay Social Security (ðŸ‡đ🇭: āļ„āđˆāļēāļ•āđ‹āļ‡ pronouns: āļ›āļĢāļ°āļāļąāļ™āļŠāļąāļ‡āļ„āļĄ, āļĨāđ‰āļ§āļ‡āļāļĢāļ°āđ€āļ›āđ‹āļē) for those who are too old to work. However, many do not realize that the system is flawed and does not care about the value of human life. People are treated like batteries, and the Social Security system doesn't care how replaceable they are.

The USD's global trade dominance also comes at a cost. Even if you are a non-US country trading with another non-US country, you still need to buy USD to trade your commodity over it. This puts other countries at a disadvantage, as they have to use a currency that they do not control, adding unnecessary complexity to the trading process.

Furthermore, the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, has the power to print money out of thin air. This means that they can print more USD, even if the country does not have enough resources to back it up. This creates a situation where the value of the USD becomes increasingly unstable, causing inflation and economic instability.

In conclusion, the USD's position as the world's global trade currency has led to the creation of a ponzi scheme disguised as the Social Security system. It also puts other countries at a disadvantage and allows the Federal Reserve to print money out of thin air, causing economic instability. It is time for the world to rethink its dependence on the USD and seek alternative solutions for global trade. Contents


Refer to IRL:DXY for Dollar Currency Strength Index


The nonfarm payrolls (NFP) report is a key economic indicator that provides insight into the state of the labor market in the United States. The report is released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on the first Friday of each month and provides data on the number of jobs added or lost in the nonfarm sector of the economy. This information is critical for economists, investors, and policymakers who use it to make informed decisions about the state of the economy and the health of the labor market.

One of the challenges of trading forex during the time when Donald Trump was president was the unpredictability of his policies and statements. Trump was known for making sudden announcements on Twitter and other platforms, which often had a major impact on the financial markets. This unpredictability created a great deal of uncertainty in the forex market, making it difficult for traders to make informed decisions.

In addition, Trump's protectionist policies and trade tensions with China and other countries also created uncertainty in the markets. This led to increased volatility and made it difficult for traders to anticipate market movements.

Despite these challenges, many traders were still able to profit from the forex market during the Trump presidency. However, it required a great deal of skill, discipline, and risk management to navigate the market in this uncertain environment.

In conclusion, the nonfarm payrolls report is a critical indicator of the health of the labor market and the economy, and it is closely watched by economists, investors, and policymakers. The unpredictability of the Trump presidency made it difficult for traders to trade forex, but with discipline, skill, and risk management, it was still possible to profit from the market.


The petrodollar system, which was created in the 1970s, has established the US dollar as the world's primary reserve currency for decades. However, with the growing instability of the global economic system, many are now questioning whether it's time for a change. If the petrodollar system is abolished, which global currency could become the next global trade currency?

One of the most popular theories is the Chinese yuan. China is the world's second-largest economy, and its currency has been gaining popularity in international trade in recent years. Additionally, China has been taking steps to promote the yuan as a global currency, such as setting up currency swap agreements with other countries and establishing the Shanghai International Energy Exchange.

Another potential candidate is the Euro. The Euro is currently the second most held reserve currency in the world, after the US dollar. It is also used as a trading currency in many parts of the world. However, the Eurozone's recent economic troubles and instability have raised concerns about its long-term viability as a global trade currency.

Some also speculate that a new digital currency could take over as the global trade currency. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have been gaining popularity in recent years, and their decentralized nature could make them an attractive option for international trade. However, the volatility and lack of regulation surrounding cryptocurrencies could also make them a risky choice.

ChatGPT Said it's hard to predict which currency could become the next global trade currency if the petrodollar system is abolished. But for sure It will likely depend on factors such as the economic stability of the country, the strength of its financial system, and its ability to gain the trust of the international community. Nonetheless, as the world becomes more interconnected and the global economic system becomes more complex, the debate around the next global trade currency is sure to continue.

Social Security

Title: The Great American Ponzi Scheme: Social Security Exposed

In an unexpected turn of events, an exclusive investigation has uncovered the true nature of the US Social Security system: the largest legal Ponzi scheme in existence. For years, hardworking Americans have been funneling their hard-earned dollars into this deceptive operation, which masquerades as a safety net for the elderly. The truth, however, is far more sinister.

At its core, the Social Security system is designed to exploit the labor of countless unsuspecting citizens, who toil away daily under the illusion of financial security in their golden years. These diligent workers are treated like disposable batteries, with the system constantly draining their energy and resources to prop up its unsustainable facade.

The architects of this elaborate ruse have built a precarious house of cards, fueled by the labor and contributions of unwitting participants. As the younger generations pour their money into the system, older beneficiaries collect their checks, blissfully unaware that they are part of a financial fiasco waiting to implode.

But what happens when the battery runs dry? What if the influx of funds isn't enough to keep the Ponzi scheme afloat? The consequences could be disastrous, leaving millions of Americans high and dry in their time of need. Our investigation has uncovered that the Social Security system is not only deceptive but also indifferent to the value of human life.

Perhaps the most shocking revelation is that the Social Security system is, in fact, a prime example of the USD's deceptive nature. While the US dollar is touted as a symbol of stability and prosperity, it is intrinsically linked to a scheme that treats people like replaceable commodities.

So, what can be done to dismantle this nefarious financial web? Awareness is the first step. By exposing the truth about the Social Security system, we can begin to question its validity and demand a more just and sustainable alternative.

In conclusion, the so-called "safety net" of Social Security is nothing more than an elaborate and morally bankrupt Ponzi scheme, designed to exploit hardworking Americans for the benefit of a few. It is time to pull back the curtain on this financial farce and demand a system that truly values and protects its citizens.