SPKZ's xPense

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

SPKZ's xPense is a personal accounting software that MoNoRi-Chan written back in 2015 using SPKZ's PHP Web Application Framework. The goal of the software is to help users keep track of their personal expenses, with features such as adding transactions, grouping transactions, daily summary, and MTXcScanner (SPKZ's xPense). The software encourages a healthy behavior of noting every transaction, which MoNoRi-Chan found to be an addictive habit that helps users stay on top of their spending. With its success, MoNoRi-Chan is considering a rewrite of the software with added features such as OCR receipt scanning, AI and ML integration, and external financial account linking.


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SPKZ's xPense is Personal Accounting Software written using SPKZ's PHP Web Application Framework for personal use back in 2015.

Basic Features of the Applications include Add Transaction, Grouping Transactions, Daily Summary and MTXcScanner.

As of version 1.1 Account Protection is provided using Username/Password Combination with proprietary password hashing algorithm.


MoNoRi-Chan had moved into Bangkok for his study at INT University. But knowing his own weakness is his sake of goldfish memory, he creates this Web Application to track his own expenses at his time of study.


  • MoNoRi-Chan Moved from CNX to NeoBangkok for his study at INT University.
  • On his 20th birthday, he created

Software Editions

Legacy Version (Current)

Current Version on Mainnet: 1.2.2 Legacy Final

Cloud Edition

SPKZ's xPense: Cloud Edition (aka xPense7) is an upcoming version of xPense which is a total rewrite of application using Laravel and React.

Free Features

  • SSO Sign In (Google, Facebook, GitHub, Microsoft, etc.)
  • Web3 Wallet Connection instead of Password based Authentication

Premium Features

Starting at 5THB/month

Bank Account Linking
  • Users can link their own financial accounts (such as your bank accounts) to automatically push transaction records to xPense database
Service Workers
  • Permium version of xPense application works offline as a service worker and will automatically push any transactions to the Mainnet automatically whenever user comes back online.

Dedicated Edition

Let's break down the xPense Self-Hosted versions into two editions, targeting different user profiles:

Single User

xPense Self-Hosted Dedicated Edition: Single User

  • Target Audience: Home users, hobbyists, and individuals seeking complete control over their financial data within their own home network.
  • Focus: Simplicity and ease of setup for a single user or shared with their family household.


  • Software:
    • Web Server (Apache, Nginx, etc.)
    • PHP 8.2+
    • Database (MySQL or MariaDB)
    • XAMPP (or equivalent) simplifies setup
  • Hardware:
    • Any modern computer capable of running a web server and database should suffice.
    • Modest hardware specifications are suitable for a single user.


  • Core xPense Functionality: All basic expense tracking, budgeting, categories, etc.
  • Local Data Storage: Financial data resides solely on the user's machine.
  • Offline/Remote Access (Potential): If properly configured within the local network or via CloudFlare Argo Tunnel.


xPense Self-Hosted Dedicated Edition: Multi-User

  • Target Audience: Small businesses, organizations, power users managing shared finances (e.g., families, project teams)
  • Focus: Collaboration, scalability, access controls.


  • Software:
    • Everything from the Single User Edition, plus:
    • Load balancing software (potentially)
    • Enhanced database management tools
  • Hardware:
    • More powerful server hardware to handle multiple users and larger datasets (CPU, RAM).
    • Redundant storage (e.g., RAID) for data protection.


  • All features from the Single User Edition, plus:
  • User Accounts & Permissions: Fine-grained control over who can access and edit data.
  • Centralized Data Storage: Data resides on a shared server, accessible by authorized users.
  • Clustering (Optional): Support for distributing load across multiple servers for larger deployments.
  • Replication (Optional): Synchronization of data between servers for high availability and backup.

Additional Considerations:

  • Licensing: The Single User edition could be free or have a one-time cost, whereas the Multi-User edition likely involves a subscription model or per-seat licensing.
  • Support: The Multi-user edition might warrant dedicated support channels or premium support options.

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