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Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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The New World Order is a powerful villain, but it is not invincible. If we all wake up and take the red pill, we can defeat the New World Order and create a better future for humanity.
The New World Order is a powerful villain, but it is not invincible. If we all wake up and take the red pill, we can defeat the New World Order and create a better future for humanity.

'''Here are some specific examples of how the New World Order is using The System to enslave humanity:'''
'''Here are some specific examples of how the New World Order is using The System to enslave humanity:'''

Revision as of 22:55, 28 January 2024

NWO's agenda.
The New World Order: The Most Powerful Villain in the 2020s

In the digitally-connected world of the 2020s, there is a powerful villain that is working to enslave humanity. This villain is known as the New World Order, and it is a cabal of wealthy elites who are working to create a one-world government.

The New World Order is led by a group of bankers who control the global financial system. These bankers have used their power to create a system of debt that enslaves people to their credit cards. They have also used their power to control the media and the government, which they use to spread propaganda and misinformation.

The New World Order is using this power to create a new system called "The System". The System is a matrix-like reality that is designed to control people's thoughts and actions. The System is powered by an invisible substance known as "Credit", which is used to reward people for conforming to the New World Order's agenda.

The New World Order's agenda is to create a world where everyone is controlled by the government. They want to eliminate all forms of dissent and individuality. They want to create a world where everyone is a slave to the system. CBDC being one of it's promises.

The New World Order is a powerful villain because it has the resources and the power to achieve its goals. They have the money, the influence, and the technology to control the world.

If you want to fight against the New World Order, you need to take the red pill. The red pill is a symbol of waking up from the Matrix and seeing the truth. When you take the red pill, you start to see the New World Order for what it really is. You start to see the lies and the propaganda that they are using to control you.

Once you have taken the red pill, you can start to fight back against the New World Order. You can spread the truth about the New World Order to others. You can start to organize and resist the New World Order's agenda.

The New World Order is a powerful villain, but it is not invincible. If we all wake up and take the red pill, we can defeat the New World Order and create a better future for humanity.

Here are some specific examples of how the New World Order is using The System to enslave humanity:

  • The New World Order is using debt to enslave people. They are encouraging people to take out loans for everything from education to cars to homes. This debt traps people in a cycle of poverty and dependence on the system.
  • The New World Order is using the media to control people's minds. They own and control the vast majority of the media, which they use to spread propaganda and misinformation. This propaganda is designed to keep people in line and prevent them from questioning the system. (Case Study: TikTok)
  • The New World Order is using technology to track and control people. They are using facial recognition, biometrics, and other technologies to track people's movements and activities. This tracking is designed to keep people in line and prevent them from dissenting.

If you are concerned about the New World Order, there are a few things you can do to fight back:

  • Learn about the New World Order's agenda. The more you know about the New World Order, the better equipped you will be to fight against it.
  • Spread the truth about the New World Order to others. The more people who know the truth about the New World Order, the harder it will be for them to achieve their goals.
  • Organize and resist the New World Order's agenda. There are many groups working to fight against the New World Order. You can join one of these groups or start your own.

The New World Order is a powerful villain, but it is not invincible. If we all work together, we can defeat the New World Order and create a better future for humanity...