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GTV Company is a <s>bucket shop</s> Satellite TV Shopping company that has the target customers as any Thai-Lao people who lives in the United States. They sell overpriced "Traditional Medicine" products at a ridiculous price. They prey on vulnerable people who live off social security paychecks, selling them (mostly) FDA Approved products that are nothing more than just capsules with their branding. It's outrageous that they take advantage of these people's health issues for their own profit.
GTV Company is a <s>bucket shop</s> Satellite TV Shopping company that has the target customers as any Thai-Lao people who lives in the United States. They sell overpriced "Traditional Medicine" products at a ridiculous price. They prey on vulnerable people who live off social security paychecks, selling them (mostly) FDA Approved products that are nothing more than just capsules with their branding. It's outrageous that they take advantage of these people's health issues for their own profit.

Revision as of 14:07, 10 July 2023

This is your employee on work
☠ Disclaimer: The content of this discussion is presented from an excommunicado perspective, which may involve criticism or negative commentary about a particular individual. We would like to emphasize that this content is not intended to incite or encourage harassment or any other form of negative behavior towards the individual in question. More info

GTV Company is a bucket shop Satellite TV Shopping company that has the target customers as any Thai-Lao people who lives in the United States. They sell overpriced "Traditional Medicine" products at a ridiculous price. They prey on vulnerable people who live off social security paychecks, selling them (mostly) FDA Approved products that are nothing more than just capsules with their branding. It's outrageous that they take advantage of these people's health issues for their own profit.

MoNoRi-Chan was too smart to be under the control of GTV Company, so he quit after working for them for a year. However, he became a victim of corporate grooming by the Ake's Son, who looked innocent but was manipulative. It turns out that the company was manipulating their customers for their own profit, such as selling $500 cancer medication proclaimed to "replace chemotherapy" that the customer doesn't even know if it will work, but blindly follows the instructions.

MoNoRi-Chan quickly re-entered programming and trading forex after leaving GTV Company. He eventually gained recognition from his friends, who became hyped to make money with MoNoRi-Chan's custody. However, they didn't know that MoNoRi-Chan is a professional gambler and highly leveraged forex trades can be close to gambling. Despite this, MoNoRi-Chan does his best to protect his customers' funds, which is a stark contrast to GTV Company's ethics of pickpocketing off the elderly with their overpriced products.

SWOT Analysis

  • Strengths: Being a Company selling FDA Approved products means you can charge the customer as much as you want for your products, as long as they have the FDA label on the product.
  • Weaknesses: Being Satellite TV Only makes it more challenging to find new target customers. With company being the red tape
  • Opportunities: Using Sattelite TV and Online Streaming to reach customers in the Continental United States, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii
  • Threats: Online Businesses & Websites selling same component can be considered as their competitor, or even their own employee who was too smart to be under their control.



The Toxic Spiral: MoNoRi-Chan's Journey at GTV Company

MoNoRi-Chan just recently been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and so he applied for a job at GTV Company, a satellite TV shopping company targeting Thai-Lao people in the United States and Canada, started with promise but quickly turned into a harrowing experience. The company's questionable practices and toxic work environment took a toll on MoNoRi-Chan's personal and professional life, leaving him feeling trapped and undervalued.

The Illusion of Ease

In his first year, MoNoRi-Chan sailed through the probation period thanks to his IT knowledge and the company's demand for W2 employee to make the business "more legit". Initially relying on rideshare services for transportation, he eventually acquired a car to commute. However, the seemingly convenient purchase turned sour when he discovered the car's hidden issues, leading to unexpected expenses and debt. This setback marked the beginning of MoNoRi-Chan's downward financial spiral.

Ake: The Arch-Nemesis

Within the company, MoNoRi-Chan encountered Ake, an ex-manager with a boomer mindset and a hunger for money. Ake's conservative approach clashed with MoNoRi-Chan's values, and he spread lies and misconceptions about MoNoRi-Chan's work ethic. Despite Ake's son recognizing MoNoRi-Chan's IT skills and about to start a meaningful relationship, Ake's influence created distance and strained relationships.

A Betrayal and Personal Loss

As MoNoRi-Chan's net worth plummeted during the bear market, Ake's son began ghosting him, severing the last strand of their connection. MoNoRi-Chan's financial struggles coincided with a vacation in Thailand, offering a temporary escape. However, returning to work was disheartening, with a lack of recognition and an unsupportive environment taking a toll on his mental well-being.

The Breaking Point

In August 2022, MoNoRi-Chan reached his breaking point. Frustrated by the company's refusal to acknowledge his hard work and the financial disparities between his pay and the company's earnings, he made the difficult decision to quit. The lingering resentment and the unfulfilled promises left him feeling like a ghost in the machine, unappreciated and disheartened.

Lessons Learned

MoNoRi-Chan's journey at GTV Company served as a painful lesson in the corrosive effects of a toxic workplace. The lack of recognition, manipulative behavior, and financial struggles left him questioning the value of his efforts. Through this experience, MoNoRi-Chan discovered the importance of self-worth and the need to prioritize mental well-being over external validation.


MoNoRi-Chan's time at GTV Company was a tumultuous period of his life, marked by exploitation, emotional manipulation, and a lack of recognition for his contributions. The toxic work environment and the disparity between his efforts and the company's profits left him disillusioned. Ultimately, his departure signaled a newfound determination to seek environments where his talents are valued and where basic decency and respect prevail.

Disclaimer: The events and experiences described in this article are fictional and do not represent real-life occurrences. The content is created for entertainment and thought-provoking purposes only.