IRL:US Resident & Social Security

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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Social Security System: The World's Largest Legal Ponzi Scheme (วงแชร์ถูกกฎหมาย)
If Statue of Liberty depicted Modern Americans
The Bittersweet Curse of Becoming a US Permanent Resident & The Credit Card Debt Dilemma

Once upon a time, in a land far away, MoNoRi-Chan embarked on a journey that would change his life forever. He had always dreamed of living in the United States, and after years of hard work and dedication, he finally achieved his goal of becoming a permanent resident. Little did he know that this dream come true would soon turn into a bittersweet curse.

As MoNoRi-Chan settled into his new life, he realized that with his new status came a set of responsibilities he hadn't anticipated. Obtaining a Social Security number, a crucial step in his journey, initially seemed like a badge of honor. However, it quickly became apparent that this number held more weight than he had imagined.

The humble Beginnings

In one life, you're Alex In.C Anderson. A program writer for a respectable software have a social security number, you pay your taxes, and your mommy get to work by driving her there.
The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias 'SPKZ', and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for.
One of these lives has a future....the other port tak.

With his newly acquired Social Security number, MoNoRi-Chan was now obligated to report all his income and pay taxes diligently. The burden of financial responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders. What was once a dream come true now felt like a never-ending cycle of paperwork and financial stress.

To make matters worse, MoNoRi-Chan found himself entangled in the clutches of debt. The allure of credit cards and their promises of financial flexibility lured him in, painting a false picture of freedom and convenience. With three credit cards in his possession, he initially felt a sense of empowerment, unaware of the crippling debt that would follow.

As the bills began to pile up and the due dates loomed closer, MoNoRi-Chan realized the true nature of his curse. The once joyous moments of swiping his credit cards were now overshadowed by the anxiety of mounting debt and the burden of interest payments. It became clear that the curse he had unwittingly brought upon himself was a spiraling cycle of financial strain.

MoNoRi-Chan found himself caught in a web of minimum payments, high interest rates, and a constant battle to keep up with his financial obligations. The weight of his debt threatened to crush his dreams and overshadow the very reason he had come to the United States in the first place.

With each passing day, MoNoRi-Chan yearned for a way out of this financial quagmire. He longed to break free from the chains of debt and regain control over his financial destiny. The curse that had once seemed like a necessary part of his journey now appeared as a roadblock to his happiness and success.

Determined to overcome this crippling debt, MoNoRi-Chan sought financial advice and began to educate himself about money management and responsible spendingtrading. He embarked on a journey of self-discovery, learning to budget, save, and live within his means.

Slowly but surely, MoNoRi-Chan started to regain control over his finances. Through discipline, perseverance, and a newfound sense of financial responsibility, he began to chip away at his debt, one payment at a time.

You exist just so you can pay taxes and that's not an option.

While the curse of reporting income and paying taxes still lingered, MoNoRi-Chan realized that with the right mindset and financial planning, he could turn this curse into a valuable life lesson. He learned the importance of living within his means, making informed financial decisions, and prioritizing his long-term financial well-being.

As MoNoRi-Chan continued his journey as a US permanent resident, he carried the scars of his debt as a reminder of the challenges he had faced. Yet, with each passing day, he grew stronger and wiser, determined to break free from the curse that had once held him captive.

And so, armed with newfound knowledge and a resilient spirit, MoNoRi-Chan forged ahead, determined to create a brighter financial future and transform his debt

MoNoRi-Chan had come to a profound realization: he no longer wanted to be enslaved by debt. He understood that being indebted meant giving away his hard-earned money, time, and freedom to serve the interests of others. He was determined to break free from this modern-day form of servitude.

With renewed determination, MoNoRi-Chan embarked on a mission to eliminate his debts and regain control over his financial life. He developed a strategic plan, focusing on two key principles: minimizing expenses and increasing income.

He scrutinized his expenses, identifying areas where he could cut back and make significant savings. Unnecessary subscriptions, dining out, and impulse purchases became a thing of the past. MoNoRi-Chan adopted a frugal lifestyle, prioritizing essential needs and learning to distinguish between wants and needs.

To bolster his income, MoNoRi-Chan explored various avenues. He pursued side hustles, leveraging his skills in graphic design (drawing lines on charts) and coding (EA to blow up accounts) to take on freelance projects. He also monetized his hobbies, such as streaming his gaming sessions on popular platforms and earning additional income through sponsorships and donations.

As he diligently paid off his debts, MoNoRi-Chan realized that financial independence required a shift in mindset. He began viewing debt as a burden, a shackle that prevented him from fully enjoying the fruits of his labor. He became a fervent advocate for financial literacy, sharing his journey and educating others about the dangers of debt and the importance of responsible money management.

MoNoRi-Chan also recognized the significance of building an emergency fund. He started setting aside a portion of his income to create a safety net, ensuring that unexpected expenses or financial setbacks wouldn't derail his progress. This newfound financial security brought him a sense of peace and resilience, empowering him to face any future challenges with confidence.

Slowly but steadily, MoNoRi-Chan watched his debts diminish. Each payment brought him closer to his ultimate goal: financial freedom. He celebrated each milestone, no matter how small, and drew inspiration from the progress he had made.

Through his journey, MoNoRi-Chan learned that financial freedom was not merely about being debt-free; it was about regaining control over his life and shaping his own destiny. He realized that being debt-free meant having the freedom to pursue his passions, invest in his future, and live life on his own terms.

As he shared his story with others, MoNoRi-Chan aimed to inspire and empower those burdened by debt. He encouraged them to break free from the chains that held them back and take charge of their financial well-being.

MoNoRi-Chan's determination and resilience paid off. With each debt paid off, he felt a sense of liberation and empowerment. He learned that true freedom comes from living within one's means, avoiding unnecessary debt, and making conscious financial decisions.

In the end, MoNoRi-Chan emerged victorious from the battle against debt. He had transformed his financial situation, turning the curse of indebtedness into a valuable lesson about self-reliance and financial independence. With a renewed perspective on money and a commitment to responsible financial practices, he continued to thrive and inspire others to do the same.

Remember, the path to financial freedom starts with a decision—to break free from the chains of debt and reclaim control over your life. With determination, discipline, and a strategic plan, anyone can pave their way to a brighter, debt-free future.

The Corporate World & Control for Human Resources

That's what you are, wagecucks. You are just mere battery to the company.

In the vast machinery of the corporate world, employees are often seen as mere cogs, expendable resources to fuel the relentless pursuit of profit. It is a system that operates on the notion of control and exploitation, where the value of individuals is reduced to their productivity and replaceability. In this metaphorical landscape, humans are akin to batteries, providing the energy necessary to keep the corporate machine running.

Like batteries, employees are easily replaced when they become depleted or no longer serve the desired purpose. They are seen as interchangeable units, easily discarded and replaced with fresh resources to maintain the relentless pursuit of productivity. The focus shifts from the well-being and fulfillment of individuals to the extraction of their labor, with little regard for their humanity.

This metaphor highlights the dehumanizing aspect of a system that prioritizes control over people. It draws attention to the imbalance of power and the disregard for the intrinsic value and dignity of human beings. It serves as a stark reminder that we must strive for a society that values individuals as more than just resources, one that places emphasis on their well-being, growth, and empowerment.

By recognizing this metaphorical battery-like existence imposed upon workers, we can start to challenge and redefine the paradigm. We can advocate for a more equitable system that values the inherent worth of individuals, where their contributions are acknowledged and rewarded, and their rights and dignity are protected.

In the face of this metaphorical battery-like existence, we must strive for a future where humans are not merely seen as replaceable resources but as vital agents of change and progress. It is through collective action and a reimagining of our societal structures that we can break free from this dehumanizing cycle and build a world that cherishes the true potential and worth of every individual.

Social Security Scheme

Within the realm of the social security system, a parallel can be drawn to the operations of a colossal pyramid scheme. Promises of a secure retirement and financial stability are made to workers, akin to the grand claims made by pyramid schemes. However, the reality unfolds quite differently.

In this metaphorical pyramid scheme, the funds contributed by current workers are funneled to support the retirement benefits of those who came before them. The system relies on an ever-expanding base of new contributors to sustain the payments owed to retirees. Much like a pyramid scheme, the structure becomes increasingly unstable as the number of retirees grows, placing a heavy burden on the next generation of workers.

The social security system, on the surface, appears to be a safety net, a way to ensure a comfortable future for individuals after a lifetime of work. However, as time progresses, the cracks in the foundation become apparent. The promises made by the system are contingent on the continuous influx of new workers, their contributions serving as the lifeblood to sustain the retirement benefits of the previous generations.

This metaphorical pyramid scheme within the social security system highlights the inherent flaws and challenges it faces. It emphasizes the potential unsustainability of a system that relies on an endless supply of new workers to support the financial needs of retirees. As the population ages and the ratio of workers to retirees shifts, the system struggles to maintain equilibrium, mirroring the instability of a pyramid scheme nearing its collapse.

It is crucial to recognize and address the shortcomings of the social security system to ensure the financial security of future generations. Exploring innovative solutions and considering alternative approaches can help alleviate the strain on the system and ensure a more equitable distribution of resources. By reimagining the social security landscape, we can strive for a future where individuals can retire with confidence, free from the precariousness of a pyramid-like structure.

Ultimately, the metaphorical pyramid scheme within the social security system serves as a call to action, urging us to reassess and reform the system to ensure its long-term viability. By doing so, we can create a more sustainable and inclusive framework that honors the commitment made to workers and provides them with the security and peace of mind they rightfully deserve.

Cryptocurrencies & Calls for Regulations

governments which depend on taxes (like USA) will ban any aspects of crypto which hinder tax collections - they have no choice but to (or end up like Greece)

governments which don't (like UAE) won't care

most depend on personal income taxes - those that don't are a niche

to be clear, only referring to some aspects - there are some others which actually enhance tax collection
- James on Twitter

The rise of cryptocurrency and its appeal to Generation Z has been fueled by several factors, including a desire for alternative financial systems and a means to mitigate the risks associated with traditional currencies. Many young individuals see cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, as a potential store of value that can help safeguard their wealth against the devaluation of the US dollar and other fiat currencies.

In an era marked by economic uncertainty and the erosion of trust in traditional financial institutions, cryptocurrencies offer a decentralized and transparent approach to transactions. The underlying technology, blockchain, provides a secure and immutable record of ownership and transactions, appealing to those seeking greater control over their financial affairs.

However, as cryptocurrency gains popularity, regulators have become increasingly concerned about its potential impact on the financial system. The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies poses challenges to traditional regulatory frameworks, which rely on centralized authorities to oversee and control monetary systems. Additionally, the anonymity associated with certain cryptocurrencies has raised concerns about illicit activities, money laundering, and tax evasion.

Regulators are grappling with the task of striking a balance between protecting consumers and maintaining financial stability while fostering innovation. While some regulations aim to provide oversight and consumer protection, others seek to stifle the growth of cryptocurrencies, citing potential risks and the need to maintain control over monetary systems.

The antiwork culture and the challenges posed by late-stage capitalism have also contributed to the growing interest in cryptocurrencies among Generation Z. Many young individuals face barriers to traditional forms of wealth accumulation, such as homeownership. High mortgage interest rates, stringent credit scoring systems, and the rising cost of living make it increasingly difficult for them to achieve the traditional markers of financial stability.

Cryptocurrencies offer an alternative avenue for financial growth and investment, where individuals can bypass traditional gatekeepers and participate in decentralized financial systems. This provides a sense of empowerment and ownership over their financial future, independent of the constraints imposed by late-stage capitalism.

While cryptocurrencies hold potential as a means of financial liberation and wealth accumulation, it is important to approach them with caution. Volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and the inherent risks associated with emerging technologies require individuals to conduct thorough research and exercise prudent decision-making.

As the landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for regulators to strike a balance between addressing concerns and fostering innovation. Likewise, individuals must remain informed, understand the risks involved, and advocate for financial systems that promote inclusivity and economic empowerment.

In this era of shifting financial paradigms, Generation Z's interest in cryptocurrency reflects their desire for greater financial agency and an alternative approach to traditional systems that have proven challenging to navigate. It is through open dialogue, education, and thoughtful regulation that we can navigate the complexities and possibilities presented by cryptocurrencies while striving for a more equitable and sustainable financial future.