Forever Queue Stamps (SPKZ's SMP Priority Access)

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/Priority Access
Priority Queue? More Like "Get Gud" Queue, Morty! (But Seriously, Skip the Line)

Listen up, Mortys of all dimensions! Tired of waiting in line for the glorious, chaotic bloodbath that is the SPKZ server? Well, burp frankly, that whole waiting thing is just inefficient. Time is a construct, lines are for suckers, and frankly, you're probably just bad at the game anyway.

But hey, some of you fleshy beings crave instant gratification. Don't worry, I, MoNoRi-Chan, have a solution that's almost as genius as my portal gun recipe (almost). Introducing Priority Queue: your golden ticket to bypassing that pesky line and jumping straight into the glorious anarchy.

Now, MoNr- belch-ick over here seems oddly fascinated with the concept of "forever queue stamps." Fascinating, Morty, truly fascinating. But listen closely (and maybe try not to drool on the keyboard): Priority Queue isn't some subscription service for wusses. It's a one-time, one-month dealio. Think of it like a… well, a forever stamp, I guess. Except it only lasts a month and doesn't involve licking weird paper things.

Here's the deal: you pay $0.49 in either real-world money (via PayPal? boring) or Space Bucks (finally, someone understands galactic currency!), or even some of that crypto mumbo jumbo you kids are obsessed with. Just be warned, Morty, the whole crypto thing is volatile as a Szechuan McNugget sauce packet, so gas fees are on you.

Important Morty Stuff:

  • This whole Priority Queue thing is one use per Minecraft Microsoft Mining Simulator Account (aka UUID). No funny business with alt accounts, Morty. This ain't some interdimensional used car dealership.
  • Prices are subject to change, blah blah blah. Basically, if the price goes up, it's Rick's fault.
  • While these "forever stamps" (ugh) just chill in your account, they only last a month. Don't come crying to me when your queue-skipping magic runs out.

So, are you in, Mortys? Skip the line, embrace the anarchy, and show those queuing chumps what a real Rick and Morty fan can do!

P.S. Don't screw things up on the server, or Rick will be forced to... well, let's just say you won't like the outcome.

How to buy ($DEGEN)

Degens Assemble! Skip the Line with $DEGEN Space Bucks!

Look, Mortys, we all know the pain of waiting in line. It's like watching paint dry, only way more existential. But fear not, fellow degenerates, because Uncle Rick (burp) and MoNoRi-Chan have a solution that's both smooth and interdimensional – Priority Queue!

Forget Gas Fees, Embrace Space Bucks!

That's right, you can ditch those pesky L1 transaction fees and use your precious Degen Space Bucks ($DEGEN) to snag some sweet Priority Queue action. As of right now, a stamp costs around 56.65 $DEGEN. Talk about a steal!

Here's the How-To (Morty, pay attention):

  1. Gather your loot: Make sure you have enough $DEGEN in your wallet to cover the stamp (around 56.65 $DEGEN at the time of writing, this ain't financial advice).
  2. Fire up your Degen Ride: Head over to your wallet and choose either Degenchain or Base Chain (both work!).
  3. Send it to Catboys (Don't Be Weird): Send your $DEGEN to his address: catboys.eth 0xfb5ea2139c14a2ab3e26103cc2ca2d78bcb1702c No funny business, this is the official address.
  4. The Secret Sauce (Don't Lick the Screen): In the Input Data Message (IDM) field, enter your Minecraft Username's UUID. That's how we know who to grant queue-skipping privileges to. No UUID, no queue skip – simple as that.
  5. Wait. Not Really. Unlike those other chumps waiting in line, you can relax. Your Priority Queue is being processed faster than a Sanchez spaceship.

That's It, Degens!

Once your $DEGEN and UUID are sent, you're good to go! You'll be blasting past the queue and into the glorious anarchy of the SPKZ server in no time. Now get out there and dominate, but remember, with great queue-skipping power comes great responsibility (and probably some burping).

External Links

Or you can buy it the Normie Way here