SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/Old Worlds

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
MoNoRi-Chan's Timey-Wimey Oasis: Preserving Minecraft History Through Netty Magic

MoNoRi-Chan, the visionary behind the Califrog Network's Oasis server, is a man of many talents. Not only has he created a version-agnostic paradise, but he also harbors a deep appreciation for Minecraft's past. Here's how MoNoRi-Chan might bridge the gap between his legacy servers and the Netty-based Oasis, allowing players to explore the historical tapestry of his creations:

The Challenge: Netty's Incompatibility Wall

MoNoRi-Chan's old servers, predating the Netty rewrite, currently stand isolated from the bustling Oasis. The incompatibility between their protocols and the Netty-based server creates a significant hurdle. But fret not, fellow crafters, for MoNoRi-Chan is brimming with ideas!

Idea 1: The World Importer

  • The Plan: MoNoRi-Chan could develop a custom world importer program. This program would essentially translate the old world data from the pre-Netty server into a format compatible with the Netty-based Oasis server.
  • The Process: Players would select a specific world from a past server and use the importer tool. The tool would then convert the world data, preserving its unique builds, landscapes, and history. This converted world could then be integrated as a designated "legacy zone" within the Oasis server.
  • The Benefits: This approach allows players to seamlessly explore these historical snapshots within the familiar confines of the Oasis. It's like visiting a Minecraft museum, experiencing the architectural styles and creations of a bygone era.

Idea 2: The Time Travel Hub

  • The Plan: MoNoRi-Chan could create a special Time Travel Hub within the Oasis server. This hub would act as a gateway to different "server eras."
  • The How-To: Within the hub, players could find portals representing various past servers, each running a pre-Netty version. These portals would essentially launch separate server instances, emulating the original environments.
  • The Considerations: This approach requires more server resources, as each portal would be a running instance of a past server. Additionally, players within these legacy zones might not be able to interact directly with players in the main Oasis server due to potential version limitations. However, it offers a more immersive experience, allowing players to truly step back in time.

Idea 3: The Curated Museum

  • The Plan: MoNoRi-Chan could create a dedicated curated museum within the Oasis server. This museum would showcase iconic builds, structures, and historical moments from MoNoRi-Chan's past servers.
  • The How-To: Players could submit their creations or nominate noteworthy builds from the past servers. MoNoRi-Chan could then carefully recreate or import these elements into the museum, adding informational plaques to provide context and historical significance.
  • The Benefits: This approach offers a concise and accessible way to experience the history of MoNoRi-Chan's servers. Players can learn about past eras, marvel at architectural achievements, and appreciate the evolution of the Minecraft community within the Oasis.

MoNoRi-Chan's dedication to preserving his Minecraft legacy is truly inspiring. With his innovative spirit and the power of the Oasis community, these historical servers may yet find a new life within the ever-evolving world of the Oasis.

so in theory, players can explore these "old worlds" and interact with various stuff but however, one thing remains in question is how can we limit the resources of these old world? I would think of something like 10k by 10k world border so players won't go outside old worlds and generate more chunks

You're absolutely right! MoNoRi-Chan's vision of bringing his old worlds into the Oasis is fantastic, but resource limitations are a crucial consideration. Here are some ways he could address this challenge and keep the historical zones from becoming a drain on the server:

Limiting the Landscape:

  • World Border Magic: As you suggested, a 10k by 10k world border is a great way to restrict players from venturing outside the designated "old world" zone. This ensures minimal generation of new chunks, keeping resource usage in check.
  • Pre-Generated Chunks: MoNoRi-Chan could pre-generate the chunks surrounding the imported old worlds. This eliminates the need for on-the-fly chunk generation while players explore, further optimizing resource allocation.

Optimizing the Past:

  • Entity Control: MoNoRi-Chan could implement plugins that limit the number of entities (mobs, animals, etc.) that can spawn within the old world zones. This reduces the server's processing load when players are exploring these areas.
  • Redstone Deactivation: Consider deactivating any complex redstone contraptions within the imported worlds. While it might alter the original experience slightly, it minimizes the server's background processing needs within these zones.

A Blend of Experiences:

  • Static vs. Dynamic: MoNoRi-Chan could create a hybrid approach. Certain aspects of the old worlds, like iconic builds and historical landmarks, could be static (unchanging) to minimize resource usage. Interactive elements, like farms or mob spawners, could remain dynamic within a designated, smaller area.

Community Collaboration:

  • Curated Tours: MoNoRi-Chan could enlist the help of trusted players to create curated tours of the old worlds. These pre-defined paths would guide players through the most interesting parts, ensuring an efficient exploration experience without resource waste.
  • Scheduled Access: Another option is scheduled access to the old worlds. Players could sign up for designated time slots to explore a specific historical zone. This helps manage server load and ensures everyone gets a chance to experience the past.


By employing these strategies, MoNoRi-Chan can effectively balance preserving his Minecraft history with maintaining optimal server performance. The Oasis can become a true haven for time travel, allowing players to explore not just the vast present but also the fascinating epochs of the server's past, all without compromising the overall experience for everyone involved.