SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/Jail

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

They call it The Jail. Not because it's some cobblestone cage with iron bars, but because it's an island shrouded in perpetual twilight, disconnected from the vibrant SK1 continent you once knew. A one-way trip through a visitor portal 10 blocks away, taunting you with the bustling spawn just out of reach.

The air hangs thick with the smell of decay, the only sound a ceaseless moaning in the wind that seems to whisper your name. Here, the ground is a sickly green, choked by a luminous fungus that spreads like a malignant tumor. It's on this mycelium-infested island, at coordinates -1314731, y=64, -1054257, that you'll spend your days… or is it weeks? Time loses all meaning in this desolate nightmare.

They say there's an escape route, a hidden path that leads back to the warmth of the server. But whispers turn to chilling tales the longer you stay. Stories of a billionaire ghost named Khun Tan who haunts the shadows. They say you'll see his face, a grotesque reminder of the greed or recklessness that landed you here, in this spectral prison.

And that's not all. The bars of the visitor portal, the one you can just barely glimpse through the oppressive gloom, seem to flicker with a malevolent intelligence. Sometimes, you swear you can hear a voice, a desperate plea echoing from the other side. It's like the "Let me in!" meme, but in reverse. A chilling whisper that says, "Let me out!!!" followed by a guttural moan that chills you to the bone.

And then, there's the soap. It sits there, mockingly pristine on the mycelium ground. Don't you dare pick it up. Don't even think about it. Legends say that dropping the soap in The Jail summons Khun Tan himself. He appears not as a billionaire ghost, but as a skeletal figure, his hollow eyes burning with an unholy hunger. He'll chase you through the endless twilight, the sound of his bony feet echoing against the mycelium, until… well, nobody knows what happens after that. But the screams that pierce the night are a grim reminder of the consequences.

The Jail isn't just a place for punishment; it's a place where your mind unravels. The whispers, the haunting, the endless twilight – they all conspire to break you. So remember, if you ever find yourself banished to The Jail, don't listen to the whispers of escape. Don't pick up the soap. And whatever you do, don't look back at the visitor portal. Just close your eyes, pray for forgiveness, and hope Khun Tan doesn't find you.